Starting over but having the strength to

In the past nine years I have been addicted to drugs.
I try at least every day not wanting to get high. Before that’s all I wanted was the high. This time I fight ever day but can’t seem to make it over 3 days


Why do you want the high Kara? Whats it all about…what are you trying to escape from, comfort over, feel better about?

You dont have to answer those things here unless you want to but those are some things that maybe you could ask yourself as usually there is a reason/s at play…


Welcome, @Kaykay07 ! It has to be extremely rough on you starting over again and again. So many of us, myself included, can relate to that. Willpower alone isn’t enough. I’m not sure what else you have tried, but you need a plan that works for you. I had to

  1. Learn that alcohol, my doc, was really harmful, that it wasn’t my friend, only makes everything worse.
  2. Learn the nature of addiction, how the brain gets hooked into wanting that substance. How the voice of addiction tricks me into using. How temporary the fix is, and how it just makes you want more. Podcasts and books on addiction and getting sober helped.
  3. Develop a plan for how to handle cravings. It included self care. Distractions. Learning to meditate, having sober treats as rewards for making it through another day. Lots more but these are a few examples.
  4. Join a community of people who are dealing with addiction. TS is that community for me. It has made all the difference in the world. Without this final addition to my toolbox, I was relapsing early every other day.
    Come to TS often. Share your experience, seek advice, lend support to others. Sending you love and strength!!:heart::heart::pray:

Maybe anew mind set try ameeting might help , you need some one in your corner for your fight wish you well