I have recently realized that for the past year I have had a drinking problem. I honestly cannot remember the last time I was sober for more than 3 days and I do not want to live like this anymore.
I want to wake up and remember everything from the night before. I want to feel my feelings instead of numbing them with alcohol. I want to actually get to know and love myself. I want to be the best person I can for my dog, Ludo.
I never believed that anything could have this kind of power over me. I have become a slave to alcohol and I am so tired of succumbing to its temptations every single time.
I not only need to change, I want to change. I want to be the best possible version of myself and today I am starting that journey.
With that attitude you will go far…niw its just time to put those words into action…im in the very same mindset right now…i drank and drugged for the past 11 years and im tired of living that way…i can offer some advice on how I’m getting through each day if ya ever get stuck but it seems like your mind is in the right place for the time being…Keep it up…STAY STRONG…
With me it’s like making up new years resolutions. The idea is sound but the implementation is lacking. The day by day approach is good but in my mind I am already 2 months ahead thinking of the coming festive season and all the boozy opportunities that await. I know my mind, will my resolution win the battle.
Dear ________, I’m sharing this with you because I love you and I know you love me. This is a way for me to hold myself accountable and make it easier on me when we spend time together. There’s no easy way to say it so I’ll just be straightforward I am an alcoholic! I haven’t believed it for a long time but at the same time deep down I knew that it was true. I don’t fit what I thought was the normal definition but saw that I wasn’t happy with my consumption. A number of years ago I thought I needed help but thought AA was the only option. I knew that the religious meeting side of that did not and would not work for me. Therefore, off and on for the last few years I’ve tried to do it on my own with no success. Now that I am more involved in the atheist / agnostic community I have discovered that there are resources and support out there that will work for me. So through reading and chat rooms I have made this my number one priority. I know and believe that it doesn’t take a higher power for this to work. It just takes me making a daily commitment to not drink no matter what because for lack of a better word my body is allergic to it. Physiologically I cannot process it in a way that is safe. I hope that this doesn’t sadden you but instead makes you extremely happy that I have reach this decision. Right now I am feeling healthier and happier than I have in a very long time. It’s good to celebrate life in a sober way! I know there will be events and circumstances that come up where this will not be easy to follow through with. However by making this my number one priority, no matter what, it gives me the freedom to walk away from any situation even if I end up appearing rude or unfriendly. I’m more than willing to talk about this face to face if you feel you want more information but I am also fine with leaving it at this because I know you will be supportive even if we never speak of it. Again I say how much I love you and I am looking forward to a happy healthy life.
I am 8 days sober and this is a letter that I shared with various people in my life this morning. I have always been a binge drinker and it has gotten progressively worse the last few years. While I could go days without drinking whenever I did drink I would drink until I passed out or consumed every bit of alcohol in the house. This Insanity must stop and as I said in my letter I think I have found the tools that will work for me!
I have been the same way. It started about a year ago as well. I initially started drinking the little 4 pack wine packs, and then realized the sugar intake was horrible. Beer made me very full and gain lots of weight so I switched to vodka. I constantly made excuses as to why I needed a drink. Every Sunday (after feeling like complete crud) I would swear to never drink again. By Tuesday I was back at it. Always in the evenings
…after work. And during the day on weekends. Enough is enough. I can’t live like this anymore.