Starting the journey II

Last weekend it really hit me. That if I don’t get sober I could lose everything. I had been drinking wine all day and then I picked a fight with my husband because I needed attention and then I had I to be right. The fight could cost me my marriage. He pointed out to me that I was drunk and I didn’t even realize that I was. Today I’m almost 3 days starting anew. I need to find healing for myself and my family.


Welcome again Betsy,
This sober forum has been instrumental in my recovery. Especially that gratitude thread where you first posted. I got so much to be grateful for when I’m sober. When I’m drinking I got nothing, but hangovers, shame, and anxiety. This is a great sober forum to get and give support. Have a good read around and join in when your comfortable. We are stronger together.


Welcome to the community! This is a wonderful, supportive space full of understanding and it has helped me so much on my sober journey.
Like you, my drinking was hurting not only me but my husband and family too. Change is possible and the benefits are so worth it. You are so worth it.

I’m on Day 2, and I hear you about it hitting differently. I know I’m new to recovery, but I just have tried to keep thinking about what I want for my life. Maybe that won’t be enough forever, but for right now, I know I want to stop lying to myself and to others. I want to have a life that I remember. And I want to feel authentically happy, not chase the feeling I think alcohol will give me. That’s all I’ve got for now, but happy to be on the journey with this community

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Thanks everyone for all the welcoming support. Today was a little difficult. I went to the grocery store and just recently Colorado passed a law to allow wine and beer to be sold in grocery stores and the store just added this huge wine section! It was silly how hard it was to pass it by. But looked into some alternatives instead, I got some ginger beer (the spicy ginger helps me feel like I’m getting that edge off) and a few soda’s in glass bottles, also to give me the feeling I’m getting that “treat” drink at the end of a day. Also my husband offered to quit with me! Even offered to quit smoking weed, but we agreed weed doesn’t have a negative impact on him. But he said he honestly wouldn’t miss alcohol and I felt so supported by his offer! It looks like I can take on this challenging journey with my partner and best friend!