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Did you draw this? :slight_smile:

No. I saved it because it was such a good visual of bpd symptoms.

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I was diagnosed with BPD in my early 20s. I am 37 now. Medication and DBT has helped me alot to curb my BPD symptoms. I am able to live a productive life with very little negative impact from my BPD. This is a very good chart to describe it. I often don’t really know how to explain to others what my mental diagnosis is. Alot of it is in how I think and how “sensitive” of a person I am when it comes to emotions. Thank u for sharing this!

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Adhd, dyslexic, anxiety, bipolar 1, bpd, addictions traded for new addictions to cope is my laundry list. Doesn’t matter what I seem to do to try to gain sure footing. I continue to have big traumatic set backs. Ready to stop feeling like I am in quicksand.

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