Stay at Home Parents in Recovery

Yesterday I did something I’ve never done before- took all 3 kids to the dog park plus the golden. NOT a smart idea. The dog had a great time, but the kids couldn’t understand that they couldn’t hug all of the dogs, one got bowled over by a Rottweiler, and the baby was eating the bark mulch off the floor. By the time we left the 2 older ones were in tears and the middle one was yelling “you are the worst mom ever!” Because I told him that he couldn’t open the gate until we were all ready because the dogs could get out. Just living the dream haha :weary::rofl: Needless to say I will be taking Duke to the dog park solo from now on.


It’s the disasters that make the best stories. :grinning:

“Remember the time where eveything went according to plan, that was funny” - said no one ever.

We go through phases too of being organized with meal planning and not especially with lots of sports and events those months are tough. I find we spend a lot more money then as well. I really hate cooking so meal planning is nice with the family too because I hate cooking then to cook a meal my kids don’t like- I make them eat it anyway but it really pisses me off :joy: crock pot is my favorite thing ever. I can put frozen chicken in with salsa and forget about it the rest of the day. You can just add that into your morning routine while doing the dishes. A calendar helps a lot some months that are so busy it feels like if it’s not in the calendar then it doesn’t exist lol. However I’m not as great at keeping up with it all the time. You will find what works and what doesn’t sounds like you already have a great start. And dusting …right dusting lol I always forget that chore :joy:
You mentioned you were having trouble fitting in your recovery do you mean meetings or something else specific that helps you on your recovery?

Omg lol what a day for you! I used to always dream about taking my kids to the park and how fun it would be. Toddlers at the park is awful!!! The entire time we’re there I just try to keep him alive- don’t fall off the bridge, don’t fall off the fireman pole, chase them around so they don’t fall to impending doom, then drag screaming toddler from park to go home-not relaxing at all! Now taking My older two is relaxing they can just play and make friends :joy: But it’s those chaotic outings that I’m completely drained and question why I even attempted to go have a “fun” day :joy: I have a golden retriever and a German Shepherd so I can totally relate to dog parks with kids … never again lol


Soooooo here’s right before we entered Walmart, then 5 minutes into being there. Oliver (my 4 year old) couldn’t NOT get in Jack’s face and trying to get away he slammed his forehead into the cart handle. Just awesome!


Pro tip #1098745

Scatter puffs/cheerios all over the ground to keep the beasts occupied long enough to eat your own food without them begging like dogs. Haha


Lol that’s a great tip! Im not sure it will work on mine though. These are my little ones.


Just let em stare at screens. Good to go for hours heh

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Yeah, meetings is something I’d like to pursue. I found the one meeting in town that meets in the day time mondays and wednesdays, I went today and they no longer have that meeting. That was disappointing. I’ll have to do more research and find one in a neighboring town, I’ll definitely call before I drive out there.

I think my goal this week is getting mor organized with my time, I’ll start with a daily list and write down what I want to acomplish. Hopefully by the end of the week, I’ll have a good feel for how many items I can have on my daily list. Seems like a fair place to start.

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Stay at home mum here too. 6 out of 9 still living at home, my son’s 17 and the girls are 15,13,10,8 and 6. Currently doing a Cert 3 in Medical administration course online so hopefully next year I’ll be able to find a job although without ‘experience’ it’s damn near impossible! Teenage girls are insane. I need a job lol


Hi Sherri! Sounds like you got your hands full! I’ve been thinking of going to school to get a degree in something, not sure what though. Hopefully I’ll get it figured out before too long.


I do the exact same thing. I’m sure floor Cheerios taste just as good

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Do it!! I finished mine last year with 3 kiddos including a premature baby. I’m so glad I just sucked it up and finished!