Staying sober on election day

What are you doing to stay sober today, 3 November 2020? This is my first USA presidential election sober. I find all firsts difficult, so I get back to basics.
My plan for today is:

  1. not drink
  2. go to meetings (already been to one this morning, which set the right tone), there is an election day zoom alcathon out of NYC
  3. reach out to other sober folks throughout the day to check in
  4. talk to my sponsor and sponsee
  5. keep my 2 year coin close at hand
  6. pause when agitated, breathe, and meditate
  7. bake banana bread
  8. pray for acceptance, serenity and courage
  9. pay attention to my body - eat when hungry, drink lots of tea
  10. tonight, get cozy, including pulling out an owl fleece onesie

Please, keep the discussion on how you plan to stay sober, rather than personal political views or outcomes. And please be respectful of the fact that many, on all sides, are having a lot of feelings today.


I know nothing about politics. I don’t vote, I don’t pay attention to it. So election day luckily for me is a easy one to stay sober. I do see alot of ppl around me going crazy about it. Doesn’t matter who you vote for, your life is your life, a president isn’t going to make your life better. You are, I worry about me and what’s ahead of me, not a president. Could be a wrong thinking but oh well


My thinking as well Mike! :facepunch:


Me I’m preparing for TEOTWAWKI


Not my election, but remembering that whatever the outcome (as with everything in sobriety and life), things will change. There will be good days and bad days ahead. As some people will celebrate, others will be sad. Neither side is right or wrong, good or evil. We all want the best for our families and it’s ok to have different points of view about how to achieve that.

Also remembering that government is just one part of society. There are plenty of things we can do with our families, friends and in our communities that can help make our world the type of place we want to live in.

That’s what I thought about the last election result here anyway, it helped me find some acceptance for the situation.


Well it’s a good thing I’m dumb and don’t know that. I’m not political. Just saying all I can do is focus on myself. I don’t watch TV or news so I have no idea what’s going on in the world. Sorry


tonight, get cozy, including pulling out an owl fleece onesie

I see a sober leg selfie! :rofl:


Oh and go for a walk. Nice to be outside, be moving and in nature. Especially with lots of trees… Reminds me that thousands of people have walked the path before me and there are thousands more to follow in my footsteps!


I will do the same thing on election day, as every other day: say “no” to the drink that matters…the first drink. Regardless of whether or not my preferred candidates for President, Senate, House, Mayor or City Council are victorious, if I say “no” to the first drink I win in an Electoral and popular vote landslide.

  • Continue to educate myself about election procedures, understanding that any news today is not final
  • Stay in contact with my people and watch their local/state elections
  • Work on my plan for community engagement in the months to come - think globally, act locally
  • Exercise, sweat, and spend meditative time outdoors
  • Cook meatloaf for dinner (a favorite)

I’ve had excellent vegan “meat” loaf!

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Yes, this!!


Great idea for a thread since today is a stressful day for many. I am going to continue on my day as if it is any other Tuesday. I am a routine person so if I break any of my sober routines I’ve established, I’ll won’t feel right.

Wake up, walk the dogs, have some TS time and workout then head off to work. I will focus on controlling the things that I can actually control, like my sobriety.

As many have said here before on TS, I know that (regardless of the outcome of the election) I can honestly tell myself it was a good day when I lay my sober head on the pillow at night.


Considering I love politics this is like Christmas Day for me. I already voted and when I get home I will put election coverage on the tv and my laptop and wait for the first states to start submitting their results. It’s an exciting day for sure!


I voted a week ago. I am keeping the blinders on all day today (no news watching, etc) and will see what happens when the results are announced. I am mentally prepared for the inevitable shitstorm of the coming days/weeks/months, regardless of the winner.

In regards to staying sober - I don’t drink, today is no different. Doing so wouldn’t change the fact that today is a pretty tense day, nor would it impact the outcome. It’ll just make me feel like garbage. Getting drunk or high offers no positives on any day.


I think around 7ish here, est.

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Im thinking it might be delayed a bit due to mail-in ballots being accepted if postmarked by a certain date. Those could still be coming in all week


Oh yeah. I just heard that on morning news but you’re right, it’ll be a long day I believe.

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This is something that I have been thinking about as well, as this is a traditional drinking day for me. It’s going to be rough my preferred candidate doesn’t win.


Rough, perhaps. But remember to ask yourself regardless, “will drinking change the result?”. Be firm in your sobriety!

Take care