I’m wondering if you guys can share activities you do on the weekends to help you enjoy your time without alcohol. I’ve been a weekend drinker most of my life and I struggle a lot with these new changes. I do have various hobbies that i enjoy but lately watching too much tv. Anyone have any tips? Also is this a normal way to feel after the first week of being sober? I also want to mention that this is my second attempt at being sober, since I caved after 11 days the first time. Any help would be great! Thank you!
I attended as many meetings as I could, or connected with others from those meetings. My children also helped me through this.
Where I live I know not a soul except my family. I don’t go out… Like to connect with friends. I’m a home body/loner so boredom for me was a huge trigger.
Did you attend free meetings online? I don’t really have much interest in AA since I’m not a religious person and I don’t believe you need religion to get sober. Any other resources?
I myself went to Smart Recovery which is not faith based. It’s self-accountability based using CBT methods to change the way we think but there are many other addiction treatment methods out there.
Make a plan for early sat and sundays! Id go to meeting, sign up for gym classes, breakfast with sober sisters…something to make going to bed early ok. Slept alot early on to to avoid boredom. Boredom and lonliness were my triggers. Spend a lot of time reading around here too
I’m very much interested in CBT. Could you share the website to connect with this? Thank you so much for your help.
Hi I wouldn’t say AA is religious. More spiritual and everyone says to replace the word God with whatever your ‘higher power’ is. I tried and failed on and off for 2.5 years to get sober and it’s only since I started AA that I noticed a difference in quitting drinking. I know it’s not for everyone I guess I am just saying maybe try it, you never know. And yes there’s online meetings for most programs.
(Also I am in no way religious)
Thank you so much everyone these are all very helpful!
Congratulations on staying sober I would say if u have children family any non drinking friends I would hang with them. So they can remind you during your road to sobriety that you can do this
Thanks I dont have children and i am single so that makes it harder for me, but im determined.
Well take yourself out and long on here and we’ll be your encouragement while you are out😇
I meant log on here not long lol
Remember how you would feel like garbage in the morning? Not anymore!! I like to revel in my feel-good mornings where I have a little extra time to enjoy coffee/breakfast and a workout - and then tackle home projects and plans with family and friends.
It’s amazing how much more I can get done when the day isn’t wasted by my being wasted the night before!!
As suggested try a meeting of any type, it helped me recognise that I wasn’t alone in the way I felt and see that being sober is not the boring death sentence I thought it would be.
In between times you could try out some recovery podcasts (you can just type recovery into Spotify) read some threads on here, anything to keep you remembering why you want this.
Non recovery related, big walks outside, pick a room to clean, change your bedsheets, cook up some nice food. Treat yourself kindly as the first little while can be emotional