Step 4 in my recovery

Hi :wave: new to this awesome community I need some advice march 5th was my 60 days of sobriety I have a sponsor I’m working the 4th step but I’m stuck on it it’s been about a month…just need some motivation that I can do it and work these steps !


Congratulations on 60 days and if that is not motivation enough I don’t know what is. Just continue trust your H.P. and focus on your journey and you will do step 4. For me I was ready to look at myself and start to understand what part I had in this mess I made. It was time to face myself and then forgive myself. Again congrats and keep coming back.


Welcome Celina!

So I just got done with the fear part of it my resentments took me a month I’m almost done with the 4th step I had to look deep inside me and be honest with myself if I don’t it’s just hurting my own recovery no one else’s but you got this there’s no rush to it

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Step 4 took me a couple of months. I did it little by little. making I worked on it every few days. Some things I needed time to think over. But once I had done the main bulk, I set myself a deadline to finish so it didn’t drag on.

Good morning @Cnina07 welcome to the community.
Just know there is no wrong way to do the four step, the important thing is that you do it. Trust me you’re going to leave a lot out your first time through and that’s okay. Each year I go back through and rework all 12 steps. Then I take my sponsor back through the steps. The rest of the year we focus on steps 10, 11 and 12 on a daily basis. Due to the fact more will always be revealed. How free do I want to be?
Again welcome to the community, you will find a lot of helpful and carrying people here. Stay connected keep reaching out. One Day at a time, 1 hour at a time, one breath at a time. No matter what we don’t drink or use. :two_hearts:

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