Still having Dissociative cravings

Nearly 5 Months Clean from Dextromethorphan and Diphenhydramine (which DPH is a Deliriant but still fucking bad). Benadryl abuse traumatized my head with vivid Deliriant hallucinations so I haven’t even touched it for allergies or sleep aid even. It’s neuro and cardiotoxic being a potent Anticholinergic Ethanolamine Depressant that’s easily abusable and I spiraled into Addiction from my constant DXM use. But now I’m happy to be sober, or at least I think most of the time. Sometimes I crave the Dissociation and the fading out of reality but my motivation overpowers anything. I can’t look back, and I never will.


Congrats on 5 months :purple_heart: I can understand that desire to disconnect, but it isn’t a natural state for the human mind. Connecting with ourselves and with others can be frightening sometimes, but like it or not, we need each other to survive.