Still On that Sober Wagon

Just checking in. I find it helps when you know you are not alone. Thanks for ur support in advance.


Your doing great! Congrats

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Amazing!!! Xo

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How do you change the font in the app and headings to make it pretty like urs ???

Brilliant news. You’re definitely not alone - I’m in my first week too so we can be in this together.


Woot woot! Way to go! Keep on keeping on!

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So proud of you!! Thanks for letting us know.


Um, not sure I just put the header in the Title slot.

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Ty :slight_smile: :hugs: so much for the support.

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Thanks! Im hoping I make it past 25 days this time.

Sounds good. I wish u all the strength in advance. :black_heart:

Me too. Day 2 again for me. This app helped me stay sober 8 months last year. I love it!


I hear ya! I’m hoping to make it last 14days. 9 days to go to beat that goal!


Don’t ever quit quitting @Quitter02. :grin:

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Congratulations! Keep going strong. Just for today

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Haha, love it! That is the goal. Same to you :grin:

Congrats and stay strong. U got this!

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Yeah its a great app.