Still sober day 6

6 days sober! Haven’t made it this far in a while and I’m still feeling good about it! Had a bit of cravings last night but went away when I thought about the hangover. Been keeping busy as my dog had her puppies and they are sooo cute! For sure helping me with my depression! Hope everyone has a good day😄


:tada::tada::tada: that is wonderful!! Keep going!

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Yes thank you @Von100 ! I will for sure!:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Day 6 yahoo!

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Way to go!!!

Congratulations, you are rocking it! :facepunch:

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Great job! Stick with it. You’ll be amazed how time flies and your 6 days will soon turn into 6 months.

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Great work!! :partying_face:

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dancing-number-dancing-letter (1)

Well done and please share those puppy pictures! We have a lovely thread here:

Congratulations with your day 6 :muscle:

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Hope you were able to make through yesterday and hit the pillow sober.

Yes, puppy pictures.

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Nice! I’m late to responding so I bet you’re on day 7 now.
Woo hoo! Congratulations on a full week!

When cravings arise, playing that tape all the way through to the end is an excellent tool. Here’s another to add to your sober toolbox. HALT

When all of the above are in check, cravings normally subside.

Wishing you the best on your journey. :muscle:

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THANK YOU EVERYONE! 7 days now! Here’s the babies!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Can I pre-order one, please?? :heart_eyes::dog:

They are so :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:!! Congratulations on making it a week!! :tada::tada:

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Congrats!!! You can do it! :saluting_face: