Stop me please!

Another positive about not drinking is look at all the money you save :slight_smile:


So true frank! :hugs:

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STOP!!! (Hope this helps)


Thanks Alan!!

I hope you’re still on that couch! I did that on Wednesday and I blacked out and the only moment of lucidity i had that night was my kids crying, my wife throwing all my stuff away and calling 911…
Was that first drink worth it? Hell no! Love yourself. You’re not alone… I’m about to complete 48 hours sober, and feeling the support of this group has helped me a TON… Just don’t do it!


Only you can stop yourself, by seeing that urge, labelling it, and letting it pass on its own.

It will pass. Make some tea. Bake a cookie. Make some pancakes. Call a friend. Read the memes thread here:
Meme Wars 16…17…18…GO!

It will pass.


I just realized I’m 4 hours late to this party. How did it go? Are you ok?

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Everything is ok:)


Glad to hear it Jane. Take care & have a steady day today :innocent:

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Thank you too!

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Just saw this thread. @Jane1 I hope you are well and still beating this devilish beast. @Mephistopheles nails it for me. I always try and play it out. If I have a drink? Will it stop there? Will it stop after the second drink? Third drink? After that who’s counting drinks.

But guys, I’m amazed at all the support. You all are awesome :sunglasses:. I pray that I come to y’all before my first drink. And even though I don’t have the urge this thread helped me too.


Great :pray:t2: When you vent it lose its power over you. Its carrying a secret of wanting to go buy that makes it worse. We are only as sick as our secrets. You neutralized it :+1:t2:
Hope you are still safe :heart:


I have to be honest guys. I did drink a bit last night. I did cut myself off. I’m not hungover and I didn’t overdo it…however I don’t condone it…nor am I proud of myself. I don’t encourage any kind of drinking for myself because I often DO overdo it and of course it’s a vicious cycle. I can’t lie to you guys. I’m sure many are disappointed. However I do appreciate the encouragement. I’m not giving up. I will reset my clock. I’m sure it may seem like I don’t want to stop since I literally came on here for help and wanted people to stop me. As a few of you said only I can stop myself. Embarrassed to admit it but it’s the truth. Had to be honest here.


I did drink Matt but I am ok😪

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Jane, you are no dissapointment to anyone. Dont beat yourself up. Just welcome back and try again. If this was easy every1 would be sober. And this too is now no loger a secret. Just keep trying :pray:t2:
Do you attend any meetings? Like AA or Zoom meetings?


Thank you. I have looked into the zoom meetings. I don’t have a computer but do have my phone…I guess that still works…I guess I can attend a movie even if my phone camera is a broken blurrr🤗


There is one on here in and and a half hour. Just people from TS. Theres a thread on it. My phone is about to die here, I wish you the best :pray:t2: Try it, it is great :heart:


Thank you!

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It’s courageous of you to be fearlessly honest about that. You have a strong, determined heart. It’s good to see you back here :innocent:

Do you have a program you can work with other people in recovery? There is a great list here; many have online options:
Resources for our recovery

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Thank you Matt. I’m going to look into it :heart::heart::heart::heart:

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