Stopping drinking today

I have decided I want to be sober from alcohol and I’m going to start today or rather last night. I see alcohol to be a weekend thing but I’m sick of how I feel after because while I only drink on the weekends, I can’t moderate how much I have on those days once I start because I forget how much I’ve already had. I have goals for my health I can’t meet because of drinking too since I want to lose weight but drinking doesn’t help with that in the least. My family doesn’t see me as having a problem so they inadvertently enable me to drink when I have in the past decided to just cut down and then talk to them about it but I think it is becoming a problem and if they’re unable to support me, I’ll come here instead. I know I can do it it’s just a matter of remembering why and sticking to my other goals too. I know I will be happier this way so day one today!


maybe try a meeting meet like minded people wh will understand you wish you well


Good for you @EllieOfLisbeth - this is step 1 on a fulfilling journey :innocent:

Remember: you’re not alone. Keep connected and find your space, your community or communities. You’re a good person and you deserve a safe, sober life where you can be your full self.


Congratulations on today.

Ya I could never moderate.
I’m so grateful I don’t drink anymore.
I still start almost every day on the gratitude thread. Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7
It’s starts me off in the right mindset. I got so much to be grateful for when I’m sober. Lights are always on. And the air of gratitude is always clean and hopeful over here.


I’m glad i came across this because just like you i also drink a whole lot on the weekends but i know that alcohol takes so much away from you and that it’s a good thing to be able to recognize when your drinking is interfering with what you want out of life. If your family can’t support your decision to stop drinking then you’ll have to unfortunately distance yourself from them (as hard as it is) because at the end of the day you have to decide what matters to you. Do what you gotta do to stay sober you deserve to live a happy, full life!


Sounds like you have several good reasons to quit. Take a screenshot of your post. If you ever think about that “just one drink” pull it up and read it and remember exactly how you feel right now.

Start a journal and begin by laying out all the reasons why you have quit. You’re the only one who’s going to read it, so go deep and don’t hold anything back. That way on those days that you might be tempted you can flip through it and be reminded of how much it means to you.

Life is way better without it anyway. I’ve had more fun in my 3.5 years sober than any time during my 17 years drinking.

Good luck to you. And remember Rule #62. Have fun with it. :v:


Get yourself to some AA meetings and go to at least 5 every week. Find meetings that have Step studies, because you need to learn the first three steps as soon as possible, especially Step One. Find people to meet with face to face and talk to in person, not on the internet. It is the only way you can be accountable, and trust me on this, accountability is a cornerstone for not sobriety but recovery. You can only be accountable to someone else. You don’t have the recovery time under your belt to trust your own judgment about your accountability.


I turned here as well when I needed support or was feeling the need and it helped a lot. There is always someone on here and always something new to read. If you like meetings, those too can help…in person or zoom. Plenty of support available if you reach out for it. Proud of you!!!


I’m glad you found us! :smiling_face: