Stopping the planning of using

Today is a rough day. I am not going to drink.
Although I am planing on drinking in my head. It’s there. Constantly. Well it’s there constantly today. I have tools to lay on in prevention of this. One of them is to post here. So here it is.

If anyone is struggling today or want to share their plans feel free. I’m kind of tired today and when I’m tired cravings gets worst. It’s very annoying. I know the reasons why it’s harder today, but knowing the reason is not quite helping. The thought of drinking just to shut down the little sneaky voice is there. Well, they’re both the same voice probably.

I am going to just activate my safety plan, take some predetermined action and see the result. Mood follow action. But for now it’s feeling like shit.


For me probably connecting to others works the best, what sucks because the closer I get to drinking the more I isolate myself. Can you call a friend or talk to your girlfriend? She seemed to be a great help in your sobriety.
If only your brain is tired working out, running or taking a cold shower can help dealing with cravings. Otherwise I would call it a day as soon as possible and would go to bed. The next day is usually easier a bit, at least the morning.
Don’t underestimate the power of human brain. It can cause a lot of damage, but it also can get you out of the deepest places. But you should carefully choose your goal. When I have strong cravings I realize, that I’m already going to the opposite direction in my head. It can switch unnoticely. I’m here on the forum, I don’t drink, etc, so I tend to think that my aim is to be sober. But my brain has already switched direction and pulls me to my doc. You have to honestly check, where are you headed, because your brain will invest every thought to that direction. On the surface it may look like sobriety, but in the deeper levels it can be your doc.
Reach out here if your safety plan doesn’t work, we are here for you!


How are you doing?

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i’m 9.5 months into sobriety and just the other day the thought to drink really grabbed me out of nowhere. i’m relatively free of those daily thoughts. my first instinct was to push them to the back of my mind the best i could. but nooooooo. not responding to those thoughts with tools from my kit has led me to using after some time. i have to confront those thoughts and ask myself why, and that usually helps me find ways to fight them. alongside engaging with a sober community, watching ‘when a man loves a woman’ etc. i feel free again. :heart:


Thanks for your precious advices and for checking up on me. I really appreciate it.
I’ve been actually calling my girlfriend and we talked for awhile. Being alone and tired after a day of work that I hate is always tough - but talking helps me a lot. Right after my conversation on FaceTime I’ve jumped into a training. Then walked to the pharmacy to get a package while making a phone call to my mom to see how she was. Now I’m back on the couch, energized, eating a good meal sober me had already prepped yesterday and watching something to laugh before a good bath and a good book. I almost forgot that I’ve posted here. But like you say, brain takes me back to where I left it when I am alone. So yeah I am checking myself a lot, it’s part of my job and I have to be constantly honest. I don’t really like posting like this my cravings on here. I prefer helping. But you know, if I can’t be honest about my craving here, this means I am doing something wrong. I have to check the ego out of this when my sobriety is in danger. Because if I am not sober there’s always the risk that there would be no more ego.
Thanks again. I hope you’re doing better. I’ve read on the checking in thread you’ve been a little lost with smoking and stuff. I hope you’d find some peace and keep coming back to what works for you. I’d say to what works, but mostly to what count for you. It’s not easy but we have to remember why we’re doing this. Every. Single. Day.


I’m glad you are feeling better. I don’t like to post about cravings either, but I have to admit, that it’s a must for survival sometimes. You did the right thing.
How is your deciding process goes? Have you come to a decision about your carrier goals?
Thanks, I’m doing a bit better, but I still smoke, keep destroying myself. Sometimes I see progress, sometimes I think that I’m at the exact same spot I’ve always been. I try to tame my emotions, so I don’t consider them enemies. But sometimes it’s just fucking hard.

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You do “plan” it in the beginning. Until change the habit to planning something healthier. For example: taking a walk, writing a journal, watching a TV show etc. After awhile, planning something healthier is as second nature as planning to drink.

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This is so me! I always say I’m not going to and that I’m gonna be strong but this voice in my head! I’ve got to break the cycle but I’m struggling also!

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