Story time …

The other day I was leaving the store & seen 3 bums who were young sharing a plate of food that someone had given them, in that scene all I could see was lost souls that are sharing food because they are starving themselves do to drug addiction. My point about this story is The devil wants us to neglect our bodies and see food as a mockery, of why we aren’t eating. Not valuing the essentials of life, and neglecting our bodies to fulfill a drug that makes us feel even more lost. In any addiction it causes you loss of appetite or only appetite when you are completely out of your mind causing Gluttony and even more negligence on our mind and our bodies. Most importantly God cannot stop us from hurting ourselves the only way we can understand is if we choose to change, but that’s why God and prayer is so important because the enemy never sleeps and if we allow portals for demons to live threw us they will there’s a reason we don’t remember it’s because we aren’t ourselves. The enemy can only survive in our soul if we are weak and unconscious of our own minds. I pray God gives you the strength and he will if you believe in him.


You definitely misunderstood my post

I didn’t see the person handing them food I’m talking about how they were sharing in starvation because of how addicted they were to the drug that they have no desire to want to do anything other then the drug itself. I’m not judging them I’m saying how far the enemy is willing to take you out of your happiness definitely not on the same topic….

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Not at all I know what I wrote, you took it how you took it but it wasn’t that way in my eyes. You see something different there was no person handing them food it was just the food… they were sharing in hunger

Because of the drug that they are taking. You can definitely tell they were addicts plus the location, and of course God wants us to be there for everyone as I am. I was just stating what we can do to ourselves and how far it’ll draw us away. I always give bums money on the street regardless if they are a drug addict or not you don’t know what I was getting at obviously you turned everything upside down. Maybe you shouldn’t be on here. Positive vibes only

Maybe you still could refrain from calling homeless people Bums regardless of your meaning/message?

It’s very misleading what you actually mean on this topic ‘story time’ to be honest, but no name calling is a really good place to start with good and decent intentions.

Even if there is a supposed misunderstanding, do better on not calling people Bums…


lol na I’m good y’all are weird!

More name calling. I think you need to grow up a bit.


Y’all are fr REACHING have a blessed day!

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I was homeless and it was not a choice, I was hungry and it was not a choice, I was an alcoholic addict and addiction is never a choice. One day luck came my way and I took the opportunity not to be homeless but continued to be an alcoholic addict for the next 30 years. Didn’t matter if I had a home or a job I was still in the same predicament as I was years before and just a ’ Bum’ as you would call me in a different environment.
You’ve found yourself on a recovery site so I would suspect you too have lived a selfish life and put addiction before more important choices abliet that choice was never yours to make as long as addiction was in your life.


Never said I wasn’t an addict myself I was just being positive about it, and trying to open peoples eyes and y’all are fr just playing victim by words that I used as a way of understanding I hope y’all have a great day! And I’m sorry y’all took it the wrong way r wasn’t my intentions at all.

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Dont you see that by calling human beings that are also fellow addicts by such a negative label on a sobriety site takes any positivity out of your original post?


Not at all because it’s in the dictionary, :woman_facepalming:t2:

I was an addict and alcoholic but I was never homeless. And plenty of homeless people end up on the streets without having a substance abuse problem. I’m not sure what your point is…? You saw three homeless people sharing food and…? How do you know someone gave them the food? How do you know they were addicts? And how do you know they weren’t God-fearing Christians who fell on hard times?


Happy days


Because it’s a well known small town store I go too thanks for asking instead of just thinking I’m being ugly I was an addict myself. The message was for support not to judge anyone, I was also speaking for myself and for my grandmother who refused to eat do to her consumption of excessive alcohol.

Yes♥️ amen🙏🫶🏼

. Addiction’s a real tough battle. Your observations about how it messes with our relationship with food and our bodies, and the spiritual side of things, totally make sense. It’s a deep struggle, and having faith and prayer can bring some real strength.

Just remember, there are people out there willing to support you. If you ever need to chat or vent, reach out. You’re not alone in this journey. :star2::muscle:

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Finally someone that’s get the message by all means I’m far from perfect and I was just basing it off of current and past experiences. That’s what the enemy wants thank you for your words :heart: we got this.