Stress sucks

Its late just after 11 pm. I am sober witch is better then it has been. I am 5 days in now and i want to drink but i am not craving it. I dont know, i am not exactly sure what i want. I am playing with my friend’s dog as it gives me a place to crash when i just feel like i cant be at home. So stressed out there right now. I am just at a loss and numb. Anxiety is high because i want everything now but i know its one day at a time. There is no fixing it now. Its one day at a time. An that is how i am trying to live. Sometimes its just so hard. My life is not what i though and so i sit here writting and staying sober by doing so. I feel like most of it doesnt make since better yet wont make since to anyone but me. But i guess it doesnt have to make since to snyone else as i am the only one who can make the choice to stay clean and sober. Thank you everyone for you kind words and being blunt i appreciate it!


I’m right there with you. You’re doing the right thing. Keep strong.