Stressing out

Stressed out, major migraine, and replacing my urge to drink with eating shit food. Definitely not happy with my choice of how I’m coping, but realizing, could be worse. Have you been there?


Yeah. I’m doing the exact same thing right now.
Just eating rubbish, but I think it’s such a lesser of two evils that I try not to stress about it too much.

Try not to purchase bad food when shopping. Not having easy access stops me eating rubbish so many times.


Absolutely!! Ice cream was my favorite!! Tho potato chips + ice cream REALLY hit the spot. I also did a ton of baking …cookies, brownies, cheesecake. Whatever kept me busy and satisfied my sweet tooth. :yum:


Me too, I try not to. But it’s almost impossible, the good thing is that those cravings for fast food and sweets usually stops after a while. But on the other hand,I will probably always love Pizza anyway so I’m not fighting it.


Sorry you’re stressing out love. Don’t worry about eating rubbish. Just go for it! While ever you’re still sober the rest will sort it’s self out eventually. I was mad for icecream and anything sweet really. I’m still partial to the odd fist full of jelly beans. Loads better for me than booze :+1: hope your headache eases and you get chance to take a breath and unwind a little :pray:t2::two_hearts: