Struggling at work today. Venting always helps

480 no alcohol
411 no vapes or ciggs 120 no form of nicotine
80 no form of marijuanna

Im struggling
I feel so much anxiety about being here at work
Im out in about 1 hour
I guess that relization helps

I love this place
Everytime i struggle i vent here and i feel better mid venting post.

For a second i wanted a cigg, then pot then i came on here like 2 seconds ago to vent and i feel better already

Just 1 more hour and i can respectively go home.

No doubt today i rushed all day then crashed almost 2 hours ago. But just 1 more hour and i can go home and have a cup of coffee and just chill out with my lil family


I made it through the day yesterday sober and respectfuly made it through my full shift

I got home and fell asleep at like 6pm at night or 18:00


glad you’re here my friend! keep on venting, it helps you AND us!

i can relate to having a lot of anxiety at work, that’s what made me somewhat impulsively quit my job. i definitely don’t recommend that, as i’m struggling to find a new one rn, but i say that to say i can relate to your work struggle! @Bluekoolaid gave some great advice here, much better than i could give haha!

but for some support, we’re here for ya friend! you aren’t alone, there’s so many of us who can relate and who care about you :] ! be kind to yourself, and i wish you the best <3