Struggling/BD issues

I’m really struggling to stay clean. I’m 8 months pregnant and my baby daddy broke up with me to be with his best friend that he fell in love with. And when I expressed how I felt before we broke up about her because I knew something was up I was told I was crazy and that I was wrong for not trusting him. He broke up with me on our one year anniversary. But I’m currently living in a hotel room with him. Stuck. I can’t afford to pay it by myself…he can just move in with her…but I don’t know what to do…when I have the baby and I can’t work. What am I going to do. Being around him hurts my heart so bad. I don’t have any family or anyone I can stay with… I work a full time job that’s already getting so hard to do everyday and I’m ready to give up. But I can’t for my little boy. I’m so stressed and worried about my baby. Advice…PLEASE


So sorry to hear you’re going through this Caryn. Do you have any family or friends who can help you and maybe move in with, even temporarily?

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Hi Caryn, I’m so sorry to hear about the place that you’re in. That sounds like a really tough situation.

Now is the time to ask for practical help. There are lots of organizations for single mothers that do that across the US:

Also if you search “moms helping moms” or similar, there is often a good search result.

Also, many churches or faith groups have practical support for young parents who need help.

Keep searching and don’t give up. You will find what you need.


There are so many resources for pregnant woman battling with alcoholism. I dont know your area but I would start researching on your phone. Safe Haven or Woman Services. Please dont be afraid to ask for help right now. Im so glad you reached out on TS. You health and safety are priority right now. My heart goes out to you.


What state do you live in so we can search for different programs with emergency shelters for single mothers? You fit the profile of someone who’d be considered a priority case.


I think dialing 211 on a phone will get you hooked up with United Way. They may be able to help get you resources. Don’t give up. :heart:

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