Struggling heavily on the eve of one month sober

I did it. Tomorrow will be 30 days sober. I’ve worked so hard for this milestone. I’m severely depressed and everyday has been a struggle. Today is one of the worst craving days. It’s like my brain is working overtime to sabotage my success right before I reach one month. I try to stay busy and distract myself. I try to walk or stretch when I’m able. Feels like I need more tools in the sobriety toolbox.

Just shouting into the void hoping someone has some support or encouragement


Congrats on 29 days!

Ya know, milestones fugg with our minds and sometimes, shake us to our core. Not sure why, maybe its because it makes things more real or it makes feel like now there’s an expectation we don’t want or pressure to maintain… anyhow, these feelings fade quickly and before you know it, you’ll be hunming right along!



You can do this. You got through yesterday and the day before. You can get through today. You can get through tomorrow. Day 30 is just another day of not drinking, just as was yesterday.

29 days. You said “no” to alcohol each and every one of those days. You can do this.

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Thank you for the wise words. It is just another day, and I can take it one day at a time


Keep hanging in there! You’ve got 29 days under your belt, you can absolutely do 30. Keep fighting a good fight. You’re doing great. Congratulations on all that you’ve accomplished so far! :raised_hands: don’t give up!

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One day (its different for everyone), you’ll look at your counter…and your number…itll be larger than you thought.

One day, you just stop counting as much, because you’re doing other things…

Its ok to count each day…its also ok not too…in the end, its one day at a time…

Youre doing great…be well


an amazing job with your sober time… milestones can be tricky psychologically - like our minds think we made it so far then we should treat ourselves with a drink. the addictive mind plays false scenarios and tries to get us back into its grip. for me i know that even 1 drink, 1 sip will lead me back down the spiral that i am trying hard to escape.

glad you came here - lean in for support. Find ways to keep yourself busy so that you can silence the urges. hold tight friend - they do get easier with time.