Struggling mentally

Today is 21 days for me. 3 weeks. That should be a huge deal for me…right? But for whatever reason today has been so difficult. I’m struggling to be motivated, cravings came back today and I guess I’m struggling with it because the last idk 5 days or so the urge to use hasn’t been there…

I realize that is a constant battle and I’ll have to continue to fight off these urges for the rest of my life but when do I FINALLY start to feel “normal” consistantly??

One day at a time… xo


You’re doing great; it’s hard sometimes but you’re stronger than even you know. Tell the urges to eff off!
Literally, say it out loud, lol​:clap::blush:


I think fatigue is just kicking in. Motivation does drop after a while, that is natural. Now is the time to get reading, watching, going to meetings to get motivation up again. Also remember, cravings are annoying, but are just feelings, and u can control ur response.


just keep doing what your doing bc your sober and your exactly where you are meant to be on your journey. Well done, be patient.


Just remember you are not alone in this. Keep fighting keep pushing forward the cravings will come and go they will ease off the longer you are sober. Keep going you got this


Its not the rest of your life don’t worry. Theres random hard days but eventually the urges stop. Stay strong.


Hi Casey, I hear you. We sorta think… this should be something, right? Like, where’s my gold star? Am I sober yet? :joy: It’s a hard feeling being in that space.

Sometimes I think as addicts we’re always running from one extreme to the other. We’re slippery, sliding between feeling like failures or like we should be ideal somethings (whatever our vision is). And we don’t live in the present, moving gradually, growing a bit every day.

I have no idea what normal is and I don’t know if it exists. But I think as addicts in recovery we create our own normal. For most of us it involves a community. Many people do recovery groups of some type (there are so many good options). A few people I’ve met have followed other paths. But all of them, all of the ones who’ve reached a stable, grounded life, have done it because they’ve worked a program of some type, and formed relationships that helped keep them accountable.

You’re at a new stage of your sobriety. This is a wonderful time for you actually :innocent: Explore some of the programs here (link below) & find one that works for you. Play around with it. Explore your new sober life. (Also take baths and eat chocolate chip cookies and drink good tea. You’ve gotta be good to yourself.) You are meeting a new part of yourself. Get to know her. She’s great - you’ll love her :innocent:

Resources for our recovery


Heroin messes with our brain chemistry, a lot! It’s going to take some time to start getting normal as you put it, what is normal anyway? I hadn’t touched the stuff in week over 300 days and I still have to go through times like you describe I feel that that is just life though and non addicts go through exactly the same. It’s okay to sometimes not be okay, try to get comfortable with it, 21 days is still real early especially in comparison to how long you likely used for. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you! Thank you! I’m gonna take your advice and treat myself to a nice bath, tea AND cookies :slight_smile::smirk:


Yeah Casey, I found out that I get triggered hard when I get angry/worried/jealous/anxious. I’m currently struggling to deal with those emotions in a healthy way

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Hi sucram welcome to the community, have you ever heard of the term H.A.L.T in recovery talk. It stands for hungry, angry, lonely, tired! Often when we have cravings we are experiencing one of these which if you identify it then you can fix it very easily. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

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