Struggling severely

Way to go!!! That is awesome. See? You can do this!

Saturday and Sunday mornings are my very favorite time of the week in the sober life. To wake up feeling rested and well means the weekend can be amazing.

I just got back from a long swim in the lake, something I’ve always admired when I’ve seen others do it. Now I can do it because I’m healthy!

And now, the endorphins bring me a state of calm happiness.

I’m so happy for you. All your strategies worked. Enjoy your day today and plan something nice for yourself for the evening. You’ve got this!


Thank you all for the support!! I feel the love even through my phone!! So encouraging!!


Congratulations making it through the night DC.
It took a lot of courage reaching out and you did it. It’s a great tool. Reaching out for help. And your :100: correct. It really is hard.
Together we can do this :100:
Good for you.

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I am happy to hear this! Way to go!!! Evenings were so hard for me …my husband still drinks…so I spent a lot of time reading in bed or out for a bike ride when it was still light out. Or posting and reading here. So glad you made it thru, being proud feels so much better than being hungover and defeated.


Great to hear this. I’m glad you made it through. Questions does your family or close friends know you are doing this? I ask because they can also be of great support if you need someone IRL. Another tool that has help me is sobriety podcasts. Most talk about the struggles, what to expect and what life is like in sobriety. One I really love that I believe @SassyRocks recommended on another thread was the “Soberful podcast” they have years in sobriety and their topics are great. I have been hooked on them. Right now I live and breath sobriety so the more I can get my hands on the better. Keep coming back whenever you need to.

ODAAT :pray:t3::butterfly:


There’s nothing wrong with you , we’ve all had that desire to drink , what I do when I get that desire to drink is just remind myself that tomorrow morning will soon be here and I want wake up refreshed , sober and NOT feeling miserable and hungover , thinking God what kind of a fool did I make of myself last night because i was drinking
Just hang in there and keep reminding yourself of all the stupid things u did when u were drunk in the past ( believe me I said and did a lot of stupid things myself when I was drunk ) and remind yourself just how great it is to be sober :slight_smile: