Struggling severely

Hey sober fam!! Need some encouragement to not jump into relapse land tonight. Called a friend of mine who himself isn’t working on being sober. I was just wanting someone to chat with and after talking with him my desire to drink increased tonight!! So, right now I’m severely struggling to want to go buy alcohol and drink. I feel really lonely and bored emotionally right now. Really need some encouragement to pull back from the ledge. Also, while talking to my friend I committed myself to hang with him this weekend… not committed really but suggested… WTH is wrong with me!!!???


Get in a hot shower!!
Or go for a long angry power walk.

That’s what helped me early on when I was so upset and wanted to drink. Long hot scalding 30 minute afternoon evening shower relaxed me a lot. That and all the crying I did in the shower because it’s not fair that I can’t drink and others can.

I also did a lot of angry power walks with Eminem and some other gangsta type rap. I angrily walked my ass off. I was so pissed off.

Play the tape forward.
Go to a meeting.
Be active on here.
Just for tonight.
Just for this hour.
Do Not Pick Up.


I’ll be honest it’s extremely difficult and hard!!! I’m here alone in my place and really have absolutely nothing to do!! I’ve watched tv… tons and tons of binge worthy tv. Usually if I take a shower it’s only to go out for the night to drink… but I’m feeling that FOMO!!!


Yes it is difficult. It’s the most difficult thing I’ve had to do in my life. Especially those first few weeks.

Remember that one drink will lead to others and you will eventually be drunk. Remember what happened to you in the past as a result of your drinking. Think of every reason you have learned for not taking that drink.
If you quit now you will end up where you first began. And when you first began, you were desperate to be where you are right now. Keep going!!


@Dazercat said it best. Distraction is great and also rememeber ur reasons why u started this journey in the first place. Life wasn’t good when u drank (otherwise u wouldn’t be in sobriety), and drinking again wont be any different. It doesn’t change. Alcoholism and addiction never get better. They always, always get worse. Just for this min or hour focus on something positve and recovery related :slight_smile: distraction and exercise is always good too! And it definitely would be a good idea to cancel those weekend plans. We are here for u! Stay close to the forum and talk it out like u are :slight_smile:


Well, start retraining your brain right now with a long hot relaxing shower and stay home. What do you have to loose?


Does this look familiar? 9 days ago?

Nothing good has resulted from my drinking.

Your words!


I hear you. Those early days and weeks are HARD and we think we are missing out on something. Remember why you started on sobriety? Hangovers? Anxiety? Bad decisions? I don’t miss any of that. I especially don’t miss hating myself or letting myself down over and over or wishing I was dead.

I know it is hard, distraction is key…can you get out for a walk? Write in a journal? Hit the gym? Go to sleep? I put myself to sleep early so often during the early days. Then got up early for a run. Puzzles, coloring, baking, cooking, bicycling, gym rat. Reading and responding to threads on here helped too.

Remember why you started. Who you want to be.


Yes!! I remember those words and they are still true!!

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Thank you!!! I definitely will be on here throughout this evening/night.


That’s great to hear. Staying on here, sometimes all night, was important for me in those early days. I would scroll the boards while taking sometimes my second or third bath of the day! All while telling myself (sometimes out loud) how proud I was of myself. Is there a favorite food you could order or make for yourself right now? It also helped me to be reading or audibling any recovery books I could get my hands on. If you use the search bar and type something like “books about recovery” there are threads dedicated to it! We’re here too tonight…and we’re here…together…sober.:yellow_heart:


Today is the day that I finally have money to buy alcohol. I’ve been sober for 3 days now and I didn’t buy I’m struggling too but I keep thinking do I really want to go back to feeling like shit in the morning or even right after that first sip I’ll feel depressed. Try to keep your head up and avoid those situations with your friend.


Thank you!! I do know it’s just a dead end!! I do remember the self loathing and total disgust I felt. Even after talking with my friend… I knew I was headed in the wrong direction… if I didn’t do something. So the thought came to me to tell my true friends.


Can you call that friend back and change up the plan? Maybe you just meet for breakfast? (If that is a non-drinking time for you). That way you see the friend, but avoid the drinking time together.

As for tonight, try to relax and enjoy something else. Make some cookies and drink milk with them. Call a friend or family member who can talk about something else with you. Find an old tv show you like or a documentary you might enjoy and keep checking this app for updates. Try to help someone else who is struggling too!

Play it forward has helped me a lot. How great will tomorrow morning be with another sober night under your belt?

Is there something you enjoyed doing as a kid that you haven’t done for awhile? Playing online games can take up a lot of nervous energy and time tonight. Painting or drawing, trying out a new recipe in the kitchen, going for a run or long walk (not toward alcohol!).

I think you can do this and you know it is what you want, to be free. I wish you peace and success. And I’m glad you are reaching out.


It’s hard to wrap our head around the fact that we can’t at the moment have the regular life we had. Sobriety takes upmost importance. The fact that you came to this place to look for support shows you are committed. Regarding hanging out with your friend you aren’t committed to something you know will bring a bad outcome for your journey. I have been making decisions on my outings based on how detrimental they’ll be to my sobriety. I am mainly sticking to family events. important ones too not just any family gathering. I know maybe your friend may take it bad but with time and if this is a true friendship he will understand you when you come back around and tell him your reasoning. Stay strong friend! We are all here to chat if you need it.


Worst comes to worst, scrolling on the app or hiding in your house miserable and doing nothing are still better than drinking.

I read somewhere " better to be sober and wish you were drunk than drunk and wishing you were sober" and that is grounding.

Glad you posted. You can do this.


How are you feeling today? :heart:


I’m sober!! Didn’t take one drink last night!! Went to see my kids and came back home watched some tv … then went to bed. I’m up washing clothes, sober and grateful!! Weekends are a struggle for me!! Especially weekend evenings and nights.


Thank you for asking!!!


Hi DC, I’m happy to see you made it thru the night. I’m close to 30 days after decades of drinking with the last 12 years binge drinking vodka daily. It took one hell of a toll on my body. And I’m still having some issues, but I’m sober!

I wouldn’t have made it this far without this app. You have 3 of the best in this thread that helped me from the beginning. @Dazercat @Butterflymoonwoman @SassyRocks And what I learned, you must take it ODAAT. Eric will even say One minute, One hour if needed. Don’t worry about down the road.

What also helps me is Play the tape forward. What will happen if you drink. Will it make you happy? Are you willing to throw away the days you’ve worked on sober? I live alone, I get the loneliness. Find anything to keep your mind busy. Do you have any pets? There’s a pet and cat thread, and one of my favs is Meme wars. I also find in helpful to join the Checking in Daily thread. If you need any help with links, please reach out. And stay sober, just for today. :purple_heart: