Struggling tonight advice

I had a good day but tonight I’m feeling irritable and discontent I have court tomorrow and my loved one is still out there running Im trying so hard to focus on me but my emotions are all over the place any advice on how to stay out of my head


On hard day’s I want to stay sober I’ll take sleep aids and watch a show in bed. Dunno if that helps but it’s what I do. Stay strong :slight_smile:


Thats tough. I would probably eat some tasty food and try my best to zone out with TV.

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Sleep aids. Yes. I was going to mention that.

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Yeah I go through same thing just understand Jesus is on your side I say this even tho my mind is in same place my court date is in 3 weeks I try to take a minute at a time and really really try to put my faith in him even tho it’s almost impossible


Thank you so much food and tv it is

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Help someone, whether big or small, turn your attention to help someone, that’s the suggestion the big book tells us that works


Oh my god. Court tommorrow! Do not drink!!! You will be sooo glad that you didn’t. Do anything you can and go to bed early. Do sit ups. Whiten your teeth. Read. Ice cream, walk, AA meeting in person or online. Just do not drink. The court will smell you and it wont be good. I am now so aware of thebooze smell. Thought no one noticed.


Take your higher power with you. We walk through fear with courage. That does not mean we do not have the feeling, we walk through things with courage regardless. I will pray for you.

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Guided meditation works for me. You can search all sorts of ones for anxiety or anger or nerves… Or even one to help center your emotions. I’m late on this post so I hope things went well :heart:

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