Struggling with guilt and shame

Been beating myself up all day about my drinking yesterday and my lies today. Worried about confronting my boss next week or if I will get caught in these web of lies. Worried I won’t be able to sleep tonight especially now that I haven’t drank anything to help me go to sleep. I want to believe this anxiety will go away by tomorrow but it’s not feeling hopeful


Sleep may be hard but it’s better than drinking. Drinking is blindness and numbness and silence. It’s not helpful and if you are honest with yourself - you know this :innocent:

Why not hit up a meeting? or Online meeting resources. You can share your story there. It means a lot to get it out, not have it clouding up your brain.

You can only ever take it one day at a time. You do whatever you need to do (safe and legal obviously :innocent:) to not drink. Spend time here, go to meetings, talk to sponsor, play tennis, pet cats at the pet store. Whatever you need to do to be doing things that are helpful and healthy for you.


I feel you; I’m traveling right now and sitting on my bed wanting to cry. I had to sit in the shower for an hour trying to relax. I wish I could
Help more but know you aren’t alone


Hey you guys @K113 and @Wesdoeshair and welcome to this place and most importantly welcome to your sobriety journey.

Sleep will of course come in the end. It may be rough for a few nights, but the benefits of staying sober and not making an ass outta yourself and not being one big walking human-shaped Regret do kick in pretty quickly. Just waking up sober a few mornings in a row will do that and provide momentum for you.

As for sleep. Be easy on yourself. Go to sleep early, let the body calm down. Stay off social media/the internet in general and avoid blue light. I’m taking tryptophane for a sleeping aid and man, it’s beautiful. Can only recommend. Hot long shower is a good thing. Clean sheets. Herbal tea.
If your mind is keeping you awake with guilt and flashbacks. Well, honestly you probably deserve to have them. We aren’t exactly roses and angels in active addiction. I know I wasn’t and I was ashamed of myself. This is an important asset though: remember this feeling of being alienated from yourself. And use it in the future to propel yourself forward, always further away from this moment and this feeling. Where you couldn’t stand yourself enough to go to sleep. You never have to feel like this again.

Good night.


To all those suffering right now, please know these feelings are temporary and wont last forever, take care of yourself, I know it’s hard and feels like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, but there is as you have chosen to break the viscous cycle your stuck in.
It does get easier, stick with it one day at a time.
You have the strength you must dig deep and pull out everything you can to get through these first few days.
Then your brain can begin to start healing and balance itself out.
You have taken that first step and that’s great, the rest will fall into place :slightly_smiling_face:


Keep it simple, we get on our knees and ask God to keep us sober, at the end of the day, thank Him. Go to meetings, get a sponsor, take direction, pray, work the steps with the sponsor. It works. Everything else will fall into place. Relax, God is in charge.