Struggling With Pornography

For the past few months, I have been struggling with my addiction to pornography. I find myself watching/wanting to watch entirely too frequently and it has been interfering with my faith and my happiness. I just don’t know what to do. I feel so helpless. So powerless. I figured I would turn here to the community for help and advice. They say the first part of recovery is admitting that you have a problem. Which I most certainly do.


Welcome Meghan. Congratulations on recognizing you have a problem. This forum has a lot of different addictions and we’re all here to support each other. You should join us on the check in thread, it’s a great form of accountability. Here’s the link: Checking in daily to maintain focus #18


well 83 days is really good :confetti_ball::partying_face: porn is a difficult one bc its immediate sexual gratification without harmful effects on the body, but yeh as you said it can definitely mess with the mind, especially when it’s an addiction.

makes sexual pleasure involving another person way too easily accessible, like wheres the fucking romance ?!? lol. when i fall into that hole, i realise that what i really want is healthy relationships and someone to god damnded flirt with (but that’s just me it might be different for you). 83 days is amazing :tada::fireworks:


Hello Meggiechan take it one day at a time if you fall pick yourself back up sounds like an everyday advice but there will be times when it may not be perfect or going how you want as long you dont loose sight of the goal is the key to achieving this journey you got this im rooting for you whenever you get urges to watch trade it for something else were here for you :slight_smile:


You are not alone Meg. Many people men and women struggle with this. Pornography messes with our sense of intimacy and connection and makes real live intimacy harder. Porn masks our deeper insecurities and veils them behind the dopamine rush of the next sex scene.

It’s a good idea to cut it out of your life.

For me I didn’t see significant progress until I joined a dedicated sex / porn addiction recovery group in my city. Neal made a list of these and there may be some there for you to consider:

But as you said above - connecting and communicating is key, and you’re starting that here. Begin the work of exploring who you are and what’s behind your addictive escape behaviours. Start excavating your pain and your sense of whatever’s missing for you. Be brave and never give up - and keep checking in here, we’re here for you.

Take care sister :innocent:


Fellow porn addict here. 16 days sober which is moderate for me. Record is 6 months. I’m managing but I 1) don’t have a p.c. at home, 2) have a porn blocker on cell phone (kapersky safe kids), and 3) been in s.a.a. for a few years and make calls with fellow members on a weekly basis. Porn addiction is a bitch and very real. Not as hard on body or interferes with life overall as much as alcohol but I’ve heard many say it is tougher to overcome long term.