Checking in daily to maintain focus #18

Let’s go everybody!! Starting myself


Had my psych evaluation yesterday. I have my first therapy appointment tomorrow.

Today is just a work day. I’m glad I was able to come back to work for this employer. I feel really comfortable with the atmosphere and the people. The job pays well and I’m doing something that matches my level of experience and ability. It feels good to have a job I’m proud of again.


Hi everyone, just a quick word to say hi before going to bed. With any luck, tomorrow will be my last day at the factory, and then I can go back home. It hasn’t been a bad assignment, and I certainly like the people for whom I have been working, but still, it’s nice to get home.
Anyway, all is going well in terms of sobriety, I’m creeping up on 22 days, and I can see the “1-month” mark getting closer.
Goodnight everyone, have a safe and sober Thursday.


You’ve made it 3 weeks, why not go ahead and make it 4?!?! You can totally do it! One day at a time.


Check in time! Day 358 is under way and I’m feeling good. Haven’t been on here much the last month. Life seems to be taking me in different directions. My sobriety is still important but I feel like I’ve gotten to a place where I don’t have to think about it 24/7. So I’ve started focusing on dropping some of the weight I’ve gained in sobriety. I swapped drinking with eating and that’s not exactly healthy either. I’m aiming for physical and emotional sobriety here and I can’t ignore the issues I have with food anymore because “at least I"m not drinking”. That’s been an excuse for me to eat too much and it ends now! (Well about 2 weeks ago). Congrats to all who’ve hit milestones I missed. If you are new here - press on!! It gets easier!!


Checking in 5 weeks or 35 days. Congratulations to everyone checking in.


Congratulations on 22 days! And you are saving many francs! (I assume chf=Switzerland :smile: )




Hey thank you guys… Heading to my meeting, much love everyone…have a awesome night


day 18. I really need to start checking in first thing.


Hey everyone, hope all is well. Another sober day which is great but did have a craving. Not sure why just yet, but dealt with it well and mowed my parents grass and its gone. Have a great day!


Checking in day 56 :banana:


Day 12. Feels like a lot longer. Tried pickleball out tonight. Fun ‘sport’ if you’re looking for a way to stay active


@RyanSA I’m sorry to hear if your slip, but so glad you can right back.

@TeejLazer That’s really great, congrats!


Day 24
Husband at home today so no relapse worries today (hopefully there wouldn’t be anyway). Got the paperwork for some money off the kitten’s neutering operation. The lady obviously understood his name Noisy and was asking if he meows a lot (he does). My husband has relented that the cat is allowed in the entrance and on one chair. If he scratches or goes near the futon he gets chucked outside ASAP.


98.91days. Feeling repulsed by alcohol and man I hope it sticks. I quit smoking 22 years ago, and it was hard. Eventually cigarettes repulsed me and they still do. I’ve never been drunk enough to put a cigarette to my mouth in these 22 years, so that’s saying a lot. I would love for that to happen with alcohol. Here’s what I’m noticing this time — I’m not getting triggered by “glamorous” people drinking on TV. That was always a huge trigger for me.

I won’t get overly excited as I’ve felt this way before. I know one thing, I’ll never get complacent. This addiction is insane and wildly progressive. I still haven’t spoken about my last relapse and not sure if I will. But it’s fresh in my mind, and I remember the end days at the hospital fairly well. There was a particular TV commercial that was over played, like annoyingly so. The way the guy said the word today was so annoying to me. Well the commercial still plays every morning, so I hear it everyday. And everyday when that chucklehead says “today” it brings me back to the hospital. I hate it, but maybe I need it.


I’m liking this Cristel :star_struck: Rock on!!! :kissing_heart:


Day 317 is coming to a close.

Hubby is still in hospital. Having gallbladder surgery tomorrow or Saturday.

Have I mentioned my intense dislike of the Health care in the US? :rage:

Still using this :point_down:



Thanks for the update Sis. I was just going to post and ask how he was doing. I’ll keep him in my prayers for a speedy recovery and you for some sense of calm during these trying times.
:pray: :heart:


Awww :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Thank you lil sis. That made me smile :pray:

Off topic, have you shrunk? You were the tallest growing up … :thinking: :joy: