Struggling with Sobriety

Be grateful he’s her problem now.


If you aren’t going to delete FB, at least block his account. This is not good for you. Moving on means breaking ties. FB is a huge part of that. I don’t think you understand how freeing it will be! Do it!

BTW, I’m not trying to be a bitch. For some reason tough(ish) love feels like the right thing for this situation. Probably because of you name. Be determined to get away from this shit!


I can’t delete facebook because of my job, but I can definitely block. My cousin sends me screenshots from his Instagram, so I should probably tell her to stop.


I honestly can’t emphasise enough how beneficial blocking him and not looking him up at all on the internet will be for you. I know he had been and continues to be an a-hole to you but being able to see what he’s up to especially with another women will only do your head in and drag you down. I have known a few people who were in early recovery and in a similar situation and they all ended up relapsing hard, one didn’t get out alive. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes, definitely block him - on all social media. Be determined, embrace the new you, the woman who is moving onwards and upwards! This is life changing, you just gotta choose that it’s gonna be for the better. When we know better, we can do better. Free yourself from his chains. Don’t let him have any influence or power over you or your life, you can rise above it all. Being sober is the first step. And a great one! I’m excited for your new and happy life ahead.

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Yes, do this. Make it a firm boundary that you don’t want to hear about him AT ALL.

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Oh hell yeah ask her to stop. You don’t need that. And yes, block him. I know it is in our nature to torture ourselves, but it is not a requirement for moving on! :grin::grin: Life is way better when we keep the focus on ourselves, what’s best for our kids and our sobriety as needed. You are doing great things! Keep moving “forward”!

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This sad but all in all you have to be there for yourself and your children.You are a Very Important Person and no one should make you belittle you…1st just don’t drink because I have realized that situations always escalate when alcohol is consumed.


Yeah the times I have actually engaged him at all in texting stuff has been after I drank and didn’t have that filter to not respond. I blocked him on Facebook and Instagram today.


Good job blocking him!

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So glad you blocked him on FB and Instagram. I agree with everyone else that you don’t need that nonsense in front of your face. Focus on doing the next right thing, taking care of yourself and taking care of your kiddos to the best of your ability. You can do this! You & your kids are so worth fighting for. Hugs.


Thanks. 3 nights in a row with booze in front of me and no booze in me. I drank some hot tea tonight.


Excellent! WTG!

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Hot tea has become my nightly ritual instead of booze. 28 days of hot tea. It’s relaxing & no hangovers is a plus!


@determinedworkingmom way to go!!! I’ve also switched to coffee and teas to help me from the urge to get a drink… good job :+1:

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Can we print this on a t-shirt and send it to her?
That’s the best pep talk I’ve seen in awhile.

Maybe one extra for me too.


I want that t-shirt too!


Yes, you can do it again!! Have faith!!! How are you today?


Yes! Build those new rituals and booze loses even more power.


I’d buy that shirt.