Stuck in recovery

I have been sober now almost five months now and I am at a place now I feel stuck in my recovery I had a sponsor up until Friday and I had to drop my sponsor because it just wasn’t working so now besides being stuck im sponsorless and I just can’t find my drive I don’t want to use but I also know I am on a dangerous road right now that any little thing could trigger me. Anyone else have this problem and how did u get yourself out of this so called funk I’m stuck in …

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Hit up a couple a meetings to get your head straight :100:

Your sponsor to be will be in there somewhere :pray:t2:


I’d suggest to keep going to as many meetings possible until you find your next sponsor we can’t do this alone we need as much help and support as we can get in the meanwhile is there anyone u trust to talk to about how u r feeling? Im pleased your here reaching out x


Get back to a meeting might help you wish you well

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Welcome. You are your own champion and what a great accomplishment at reaching 5 months. Keep fighting and don’t give up to those demons who haunt us all when we feel weak. I know this wasn’t the advice you are seeking but I’m only 36 days into my sobriety and the members here will provide you with some great advice. God speed.