Suboxone for Opiate Withdrawal

I always wondered what should be your soberversiry date! Is it the last day using/ from your last dose? Or the first day not using?

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Last dose is what Iā€™m using. Itā€™s your journey you make the rules.

Yes, same here.
It was also my birthday - so itā€™s that much more special to me!

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Happy birthday 36 days ago. Mines in 17 days

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Iā€™m going to tell you how it was for me. I was on and off suboxone and or methadone for yearsā€¦ It is made for short term (like a week tops) but now itā€™s pushed on people and itā€™s not the answer. The twelve steps are. I kicked 16 mgs of suboxone over 9 months ago and I feel great for once in my life. We are addicts and anything mind or mood altering has a high chance of being abused. If that doesnā€™t happen we sell it to get what we want or just stay dependent on something else like maintenance. Best bet is to kick it all.


Makes sense.

I did see a therapist and she recommended Wellbutrin for my mood and energy. Itā€™s an anti-depressant. I have them but havenā€™t started taking them after doing some research. Idk, just trying to be through with all this shit.

Patience is a virtue.

I understand and itā€™s not easy. For me therapy was the best route even over working the program. Learning to confide in one person all your secrets and going from there. 1 turns to 2 and so on till now Iā€™m able to share in a group setting things I honestly thought I would take to the grave. Itā€™s not who I am, itā€™s what Iā€™ve done. Iā€™m Daniel. Iā€™m not a meth addict, Iā€™m not a heroin addict or opiate addict. Iā€™m Daniel. Everything in my life has taken me to a path to become the man I am today and that path is still truly unwritten. Everyday Iā€™m the hero to my own novel and I go out and try and live my best life possible, being open and honest and again just being Daniel. It takes time, you will be able to get to a point of it soon enough. When your ready. Just remember your not one specific thing, your mistakes donā€™t define you and what you have done doesnā€™t define you. Your a human being and weā€™re all flawed. The more we open up about it, the more we are able to have more honestly in our lives. At least thatā€™s been one of the things that has gone on for me. Have faith and donā€™t fear the unknown. Be positive and positive will come back, it really does attract. Your doing great in your recovery but always stay hungry. Always strive to continue to better yourself and you will be amazed. I fucking have and itā€™s been a crazy ride but I wouldnā€™t change a thing. Iā€™ve learned empathy, compassion, understanding and how to truly be open and honest with people. All gifts that without the struggles of addiction. Idk if I truly would have found them or not. Everyday Iā€™m grateful just to breathe fresh air, not still be actively using heroin or meth and to not be in a prison cell. When I simplified my life, I found a lot of peace. I hope some of these things help you out, I see having some time now is doing good for you and Iā€™m really happy to hear you being over a month.


Give it time. Reach out to sober people and maybe try some meetings. You will find people who care and love the sober you more than you will know. The rooms of NA for me have been a blessing. Itā€™s a second home, one unafraid of judgement and are full of love and support. They understand me and I understand them.


Well said. It really helps talking to people that have been through what youā€™re going through. Iā€™ve been through a lot of different things, and nothing even came close to opiate withdrawal. It is one hell of a ride.


You know what honestly helped? Do 90 meetings in 90 days and take your Wellbutrin. It will help you. You can do it!!!

Thank you for sharing that. Itā€™s true, I already feel much more powerful and pro-active having lived through what I have experienced. Itā€™s almost like my soul left my body, for days at a time, and I am finally able to re-create a life worth living. Sober. Iā€™ve learned so much, about myself, life, and the human brain.

I have only been talking to people on here and through comments on other platforms - and it helps. I am overall strong minded, and pushed myself to the point of no return. There is no turning back for me. I guess I am still recreating the life I deserve. &Well sometimes, I get down. But I will for sure pick myself back up. Because no matter how bad I want to use, I feel too good to go back to square one, even if I lack energy or may be feeling a little depressed.

As Rex said, I rather be a slug than on drugs.
Positive thoughts and being pro-active will help me out mentally.

Sometimes I wonder, if there are drugs that can fuck your brain up so bad- where are the drugs to fix it? I guess thatā€™s the addict talking. Idk.


The drug to fix it is US. Drugs were a symptom of the bigger problem US. I was broken, drugs were a easy escape route that worked for a bit but then the real price had to be paid for them. Destroying my life and everyone around it. Until we fix ourselves and thatā€™s a major task. We are very susceptible to finding unhealthy outlets to escape. Drugs are just a very easy one to go too.



Which is why I believe I feel so much more powerful now than even before I was using. I pushed myself to do things I didnā€™t know I was capable of. Of course I learned the hard way. But I could also be dead, or panhandling on the streets for my next hit.

True strength comes from within. I have to ā€œwoman upā€ and deal with the consequences naturally.

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I love saying this. Once we own are own shit, nobody can own us. I walk around really care free when I base my life very simply. Is it right vs wrong and is it a need vs wantā€¦ If itā€™s the right thing to do and a need, there is not a thing a person can tell me to second guess myself. Itā€™s a very free and powerful concept for me that I have really clung to.


Itā€™s true!

Once we learn to create our true happiness, no one person or thing can take it from us!

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Itā€™s a gift. Something I donā€™t think I would have learned without recovery. Truly grateful and blessed!


Well I guess I am just a trader because i been on suboxon for 5 years. And I know what I would do without it so i just keep the trade. It cost me a lot and it is hurting my body but I hope itā€™s better than the 500 a day heroin I was on for 5 years. I maybe just as bad as I was before in some peoples eyes but I work 70 + hours a week. I own 2 businesses and work them both. I feel a lot of people depend on me. And I tried getting off the subs and after 2 months I still couldnā€™t go to work or do anything. And i.didnt see anything getting better to I went back on them and within 2 days everything was running like a top. So I maybe still a dope head but Iā€™m not going to back streets and getting dope


Thatā€™s also what suboxone is meant for though - to prevent you from doing the ā€œother stuffā€ (whatever that may be, heroin/pills etc.) while keeping the withdrawals away. For some people the addiction is so severe - but you have so many commitments and obligations to things and other people where suboxone helps 100% and puts you in a better place than you are using.

However, it may be abused.
Would you say you are abusing suboxone? Or are you taking the recommended dose prescribed by a doctor?

Thatā€™s beautiful @goBlue24.

@undefeatedgalā€¦ So Iā€™ve been on subutex for about six months, and I was only able to get clean after a recent 90 day inpatient stay at a place in Klamath Falls OR, called Transformations Wellness Center. My point is that I was missing the tools to live my life-not saying that you are, I mean the drug was working fine and I see nothing wrong with making life physically comfortable while gathering the tools too changed bcz we all know no one can get past the physical symptoms of opiate withdrawal!! Stay strong and undefeated!!!