I am craving a glass of wine… but I know that will lead to a bottle of wine and a hangover! I’m trying to decide what is triggering me but I’m actually having a good day, low key, no stress. Why do I want to drink? I got my paint supplies out to occupy my time and poured myself a glass of sparkling apple cider to satisfy the physical habit. I wish I could figure out what is making me want to drink so I could work on it… day 6 and working through!
I’ve been drinking white grape juice with club soda in a wine glass, or virgin Caesars, when the craving hits. I think part of my addiction was the habit. It is like how ex-smokers chew on a pen or pencil. Soon I think I’ll have to kick the wine glass habit too so I’m not tempted to put the real stuff in it but for now it’s helping.
Have you ever experienced feeling weird after a sunstitute non alcoholic drink? I didn’t today after a glass of cider but the last few days when I pour the cider in the same glass and drink it in the same place I normally drink wine I start to feel funny. Could this be playing tricks on my brain? I don’t like it, maybe it’s the sugar? I should switch to sparkly water and test it out.
I think cravings happen regardless of circumstance. Your brain is physically addicted to alcohol. I know was drinking for almost thirteen years so I try not to have any expectations for anything beyond my control. It’s going to take a long time to heal. I would drink for any reason, happy, depressed, you name it. What exactly triggers it is hard to say. How you handle the craving is what is important. You should look into meditation, ever since I started mediating everyday my craving to drink has dropped dramatically. In the past two weeks there was only one and it was literally maybe thirty seconds. One thing I am doing to its conditioning my brain to repulsed by the idea of drinking,. It helps
I think your trigger might be that u are having a good day. Sometimes I would have a beer to reward myself for a good day and feel even better.
Alcohol are a symptom, work on the issues that cause you to drink, its starts With within. I do hope you will stay on the good path and fight the cravings. Stay positive stay sober fingers crossed for you @ablane890
I agree @ablane890 I sat in reflection for a bit thinking of what lead to my craving and just couldn’t think of anything negative or any unresolved emotions! I had to just shrug it off, clean my kitchen, and then I painted.
The craving went away and I’m almost 7 days and staying strong!
Leigh, how are you conditioning your brain? I want to do it too.
@Tara It’s going to sound a little weird but it actually works. Whenever I see alcohol in the store or on TV or whatever, I just say “ew” either out loud or in my head, and force myself to feel physically repulsed by it, simultaneously I remember my worst hangover, so this way whenever I see alcohol I have trained my mind to associate with disgust and painful memories instead of the good ones. I’ve been doing it so much now it’s just kind of a reflex lol. That coupled with daily meditation has worked wonders.
That doesn’t sound weird at all! That’s classical conditioning- sort of -and it’s a great idea!
I love all these suggestions for substitutions. Im on day 2 (almost 3) and my mind cant stop wanting to go and have a glass of wine( or bottle) Im headed to my first meeting tonight, but im wondering if picking up non-alcoholic wine would help? or should I just stay away from that as Im still so fresh… Im findind the more im thinking about being sober the more I want to drink, so I need to find something!