Suffering rejection check in

Hello everyone.
This post is just a check in from my original post. Yesterday was the toughest day yet. Around noon I found myself inside of a liquor store! First time I have been in one since 2021. It was the stupidest thing I could have done, I know. But I’m happy to report that I didn’t relapse. I went outside and called my best friend to come and get me. We went for a coffee and he just listened to me. Did that help? Yeah a little bit. I know it’s going to take a lot longer until I can say I’m over it but I feel a little bit better today and that’s the best I can ask for. The addict voice is still screaming at me but that son of a bitch isn’t so loud. For now.
I know I can’t let someone else’s actions dictate how my recovery will go, I know that deep down. I also know this is the perfect time for my addiction to get the best of me and if I let my guard down it will win. All of this I know but it’s an exhausting fight. It’s a fight worth fighting though and a fight I’m going to win.


Oh I’m so glad you made it through that day. You show that you have the awareness of what addiction is trying to lure you into. And you showed the strength to kick addiction in the balls yesterday!
Proud of you, my friend and grateful you checked in with us!


What’s the old saying. While we’re just going through life. This mother F’er is in the corner doing pushups waiting for us to let our guard down. You obviously did the right thing calling a friend. Come here and just keep venting. Even if it’s 20 times a day. Your support system is here. :v::muscle:


That mother F’er is training like a Rocky montage in the corner. My conscience is the side of beef getting punched to hell

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That’s a nice Philly analogy right there. I love it. :rofl:

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Keep telling that son of a bitch to fuck off. Proud of your choices. :black_heart: keep, keeping on


That’s big stuff and a massive screwyou to that inner voice telling you it will be OK just once no it won’t you know it we all know it… That’s y we’re here​:pray: be mindful that our addiction wants us all to himself alone relying on him only… But today your stronger than that voice/emotion so go celebrate your freedom. :tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::tada:

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Proud of u, man. That takes so much strength.