Suffering rejection

Hello, I’ve been sober since February 27, 2021 and I’ve suffered a lot of rejection when I was deep in my addiction, all my fault because of my addiction. I know this now and I accept it. Since becoming sober I became the best version of myself I’ve ever been. However, this past weekend I experienced the first rejection since becoming sober and I’m having a really hard time dealing with it. I feel like I’m in a tailspin, I’m having a hard time not slipping into old habits and just drinking the pain away. I was going to meetings once a month but since this has happened I’m back to daily meetings. They’re helping but the voice in my head is screaming at me saying it’s been almost 3 years since your last drink, you can handle it, just do it. This has been the hardest week in a very long time and I’m so scared I’m going to slip. I don’t have a solid support system in place because people I know just don’t understand how hard it is and say things like just don’t drink. I wish it was that easy but that damn voice is so loud! I just don’t know how to deal with such a massive rejection and handle it being sober, I’ve never done it before. I hate that I’m unraveling after so much hard work but I am.


You know the voice is lying to you right
It just wants to feed on your pain
Your pride has been dented its not worth throwing your life away for
They don’t deserve you you are out of their league


Hello and a very warm welcome to the family :blush:
I’m sorry you are having such a hard time at the moment. But I am so glad you reached out to us. I am proud of your very impressive sober time, so is everybody else here in the community. We are here to support you through this. Back to daily meeting is the right thing. You know the work isn’t done with getting sober, it’s the maintenance part that requires constant work, especially when life deals you a shit hand!
Check in with us on the daily thread, hold yourself accountable. Use the gratitude thread to take notice of the positive. And reach out whenever you need to.
Thank you for sharing. I’m sending strength and compassion your way.


Thanks for saying that.
I do know that and I do know that the voice is trying to trick me, I know that.
But knowing that hasn’t stopped me from white knuckling it through the day.


Thank you.
You’re right, I never want to hear that again and I know that deep down.
It’s just an upheaval that I wasn’t ready for and I was completely blindsided.
That’s life though right?!

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Gratitude changes everything. And every little thing is gonna be alright.


Thank you very much, that means a lot to me.
I’m doing everything I can to stay away from old habits, but you know what they say; those suckers die hard!


I can really understand where you are coming from. When rejection or bad things happen when drinking you can blame that. If it happens when sober there is no easy scapegoat, so you have to do the hard work of accepting and dealing with it.
I personally find repeating to myself there there is nothing that drinking can’t make worse is great way to remind myself to not add extra crap to shit sandwich.


Rejection sucks but at some stage we all have to deal with it :disappointed:
What meetings are you going to? Can you get a few phone numbers for people to chat with?
A drink won’t make the rejection any easier (pretty sure deep down you know that) and from experience it doesn’t take as long to get over it sober. I had what felt like at the time a huge rejection relationship wise and it felt like the end of the world, I cried like a baby but in the end this persons rejection made room for a new person later on who is amazing. It doesn’t matter what type of rejection you’re suffering from, you will survive :muscle:


Welcome and congrats on 3 years sober :sunflower::clap::people_hugging:
Rejection is hard to deal with.
That’s hardship of life.
Great you increase your sober tools and seek help and share :sunflower::pray:
Just some questions, not to be answered: What hurts the most concerning the rejection? What is it that brings up old patterns? What needs are not met? How can they be met? Is it a codependent trigger that knocks on your door? What the fuck want your feelings tell you? Not drinking, that’s obvious. But what is it that inside you wants attention and comfort because it’s hurt and uncomfortable?
Sending hugs, kindness and peace :people_hugging:
Stay sober, you are worth it :sunflower:


Good job recognizing that addict voice and great job coming here to talk it out. Remember why you started your sobriety and use that as motivation to continue.

Its never just one drink that we want, its all the drinks usually as an escape from something. Maybe sit with the pain of that rejection until it hurts a little less. If you don’t feel it now it will demand to be felt later. We’re here when you need us.


Thank you for sharing. It’s precious. As I read, I know exactly this feeling and you’ve been triggered. Some wounds are still healing. It’s really a journey. 3 years sober is Amazing and you have to be proud of yourself. If others don’t aknwoledge this YOU Can. And hère we understand and are very proud of you.
Hope you’ll feel better :sunflower:


Our addiction is so cunning, it’s been in the background doing pushup in the dark waiting for a lapse of judgement, feeding you inner dialogue bullshit like you I don’t deal with rejection well after all we’re just sensitive souls . Use your meetings as your support system that’s what the meetings are for. Keep loving yourself your deserve all the happiness.