Sugar & Alcohol Addiction

sugar affects the brain like alcohol does. You can develop tolerance to sugar, as well as experience withdrawal. Essentially, your brain is dependent on the alcohol and sugars found in alcohol simultaneously. If you are in recovery from alcohol, you should be cautious about your diet and how much sugar you consume. Sugar abuse could lead back to active alcoholism because of the similar reactions in the brain.

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Hi Neil! I totally agree that too much sugar is bad for you. Once I stopped drinking, I craved sugar like crazy! But to be honest; in the beginning I didn’t care, as long as I didn’t drink anymore. Once I hit my 5-month mark, which is when I felt more confident about my sobriety, I decided to cut down sugar drastically, because I had changed one addiction for another! :woman_facepalming:t3: I believe one should be vigilant, but in early stages of sobriety, some sweet rewards are totally fine!


Glad to read this as I am doing just that, eating sweets and enjoying food taste again.
Maybe a bit too much :relaxed:


I think most people have strong sugar cravings in the beginning. So totally normal! Enjoy tasting food again, Teresa! :clap:t2::muscle:t2:


I have never been a sweets person but since I quit driving holy cow, it’s a daily thing. I’m giving myself grace about it until I’ve been sober for longer but at 124 days I think I need to recognize that it’s getting a little out of hand.

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Sugar cravings are common in sobriety. Most AA meetings I attend have bowls of candy out for everyone. I have never heard of sugar leading back into active use. For me I had to work on the worst addiction first, alcohol. Tobacco and sugar and soda are also mot healthy life choices but were not ruining my life the way booze did.

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