Sugar & caffeine cravings

Day 8 and Over the initial crappiness :+1:t2: but dang did anyone have intense sugar/caffeine cravings? I’ve read it’s normal to find something else that releases dopamine and that they’re both common but today was proof when I went and got a big Starbucks iced coffee that I found on TikTok and it was the best thing I’ve ever drank. :rofl: but I’m sure a ton of sugar lol. And previous days I was getting red Bull or lotus (plant based energy) drinks from my work :sweat_smile: my goal is to get back in the gym so I’m trying to make healthier choices but right now the urges are strong! I have been drinking more water though at least. I have my moments of weakness … but I don’t miss alcohol.


Right on with your 8 days! We can think of lots of bad reasons to drink booze but not one good one.

In the early days a fellow told me I could eat and drink all the sugar required to fill the gap. I still get a sweet tooth on occasion.

Keep rocking recovery and you can bet you’ll be healthier and happier.

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Diabetic here, sugar for me is a terrifying thing because I only eat it to correct lows- so, an unpleasant medicine. But caffeine… on the early days I’d have a litre or so. Now i’m on decaffeinated coffee and it’s doing the trick. Lime juice is a good one too - the taste remains in your mouth. Worst case scenario? Chew garlic. Seriously. Make sure to have some Mentos around if you do it.


Ugh the sugar cravings! It was intense! I don’t really know how to advise you here. Im still a redbull junkie… But I think it eased up over time.

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I definitely experienced the same. As a life long coffee drinker I would occasionally overindulge on a particularly tired day but at the beginning of my sobriety I would drink 2 pots every morning. Ditto on the chocolate, ice cream and salty snacks. I never had a sweet tooth while drinking but did (and still) indulge in sweets when the craving hits. I’m only a month and a half sober so as long as it isn’t alcohol I’ll allow it. I can see it leveling off a little already. Keep going! If you need that caffeine or sugar boost allow it as long as your body feels healthy. :muscle:t3::heart:


My thoughts too.

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I just ate some pre-bedtime strawberry ice cream. :+1:t2::blush: If it isn’t booze, it’s okay by me.




Yessssss! :clap:t3::clap:t3::clap:t3:

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Working graveyards lol I probably over sugar. Lol

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A couple nights ago I was just about to go to bed and all of sudden my body was like STRAWBERRIES. NOW. :joy: and I ended up eating two yogurts and some strawberries lol funny how our bodies can signal when it wants something.


I’ve never had a sweet tooth but every once in a while a delicious pint 'o the strawberry finds its way into my freezer and it is the treat for my week. It feels good for my body to ask me for something and for me to be able to give it. :blush::strawberry::icecream: