Summer solstice

It’s so cool I found out in time. Thought it was the 21st! Now I can do my children of the sun dance. :sun_with_face:


Im curious what would that look like :slight_smile: ive seen a rain dance. I tried a sun dance when i was trying to view the eclipse thru the clouds but i must have been doing it wrong lol


I made it up, kinda. But I think there’s an arena rock song called that too. :laughing: And all the witches and hippies and stuff.


My parents are coming to visit on Solstice, to tour the independent living apartments nearby. I am hoping it is a time of new beginnings. :purple_heart:


That’s great to hear. I hope it works out well :blush: Tomorrow is good for us all, I think


I wish you all a beautiful day of new beginnings, letting go, celebrating life and finding hope :sunflower::woman_fairy:

Here the day has already started. For me shortly after 5 a.m. to use the cool morning hours to repot plants, vacuum & mop the house, clean & wash down the balcony, water the many pots, air the house and enjoy the cool morning energy.
What a wonderful start into a day of letting go my worries, anger, resentments and sorrows, useless hopes and hopeless feelings :heartpulse:

What a powerful start to make this year’s Summer Solstice a special one for me :woman_fairy:

I love your midsummer food @MrsOdh
If I don’t forget due to heat induced mush brain I’ll get some pickled herring after therapy :yum::yum::yum: Didn’t eat it in years!

Now a good rest after 3 hours work and a refreshing shower, cat on my belly, fresh herbal tea in the pot :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: