Summer solstice

Dear fellow TS folks!

It’s summer solstice.
As there is no existing thread on the topic, I’m happy to create my first thread after 3+ years being on here :blush:

Summer solstice is a powerful spot in the wheel of the year. A time to let go, to write down and burn what’s burdening and give it back to the universe.
It’s a time to write down and chant to invite light, health and good energy into life.

I would like to invite you to share about your summer solstice rituals, about letting go, about inviting good, about celebrating ups and downs in life as the days will get shorter from now.
It’s a time of healing and finding peace. May it find you too :pray::sunflower:


I was up before dawn preparing for a fumigating ritual. The smell of the herbs was wonderful. I feel eased now that I burnt my papers of what I ask to go and what I invite into my life. A beautiful start of the day with a big cup of tea :pray:


Yes! I love this thread!

How intentional - your fumigating ritual. Letting go and making space for the new. I love it.

The solstice is tomorrow, here in Canada (it’s still June 20th here) - and also coincides with National Indigenous Peoples Day’ - when the history, heritage, diversity, and resilience of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis across Canada is recognized. It’s a special day here!

For me personally, I think of this day of long light (and I live in the north, so it’s long!) as when I soak up and store abundance and light and energy to last me through the year.
Like a solar panel :sun_with_face: Filling up my soul tanks!

I, too, will think of what I would like to let go of and create new space for.

Thank you, dear friend, for this thread and what it prompts in me!

Happy Summer Solstice, TS. We’ve all had some long days. Let’s celebrate this one! The only way we know how - sober AF. :wink: :orange_heart:



I live very near to the 45th latitude, halfway between the equator and the north pole. The number of hours of daylight swings from Summer to Winter solstice from 17 hours to perhaps 6.

Went to bed at 9:30, woke up at 4:30, you could read a book outdoors at both times!

@Suzrene , do you have any particular solstice events or rituals? You’re the person living the farthest north that I can recall - and I admire your sobriety journey!


Hey there,
Thanks for the admiration and support, sobriety has done my life wonders. I’m very excited to see what else it will bring for me in the future.

Living here in Alaska there’s always events going on for Summer Solstice, usually I would be camping. I was just talking about how unfortunate we will be losing daylight again. But thankful we still have til about August til it gets dark around 7pm. Right now we have about 23 hours of daylight. We haven’t haduch of a summer because of all the rain we have been getting. Hoping July will bring the warmer weather along with plenty of fish.


That sounds delicious!


The idea of National Indigenous People Day is amazing!


What a wonderful thread!! Thank you @erntedank and all who have contributed. I have been feeling the pull of the solstice for a bit now and so much makes sense as it unfolds. The burn, the chafe, the opening for more to unfold. Our family has some more huge transitions coming in the next few days (finally positive ones this year!!) and I so look forward to welcoming them along with the solstice and summer bounty. :sparkles:


Happy Summer Solstice! :sunny:


Hope everyone has a great summer and stays positive.


I appreciate that thank you. Hope everything this summer goes well for you.


This is beautiful Jason :star_struck::orange_heart:


Thanks for this thread. It was a good reminder for me to take some time and reflect. I liked doing the fumigating ritual. It felt good burning things to let go of, and it felt even better to welcome positive changes.


Here is the first sunrise after the longest night.
The colour was very intense early.
ɹǝpun uʍop puɐl ǝɥʇ ɯoɹℲ


Thank youuuuuuu for mentioning the Merlin App on the g-thread! I’ve been meaning to thank you. I love it. I now know who’s making all those calls on the trails! :bird:‍:black_large_square::pray::orange_heart:


It is time again: Summer Solstice :sunglasses:

Is there something special you plan around this turning point?

I read that there is a big fire organized in our village, with music and streetfood. If it’s not too hot I will join the festivity as I definitely have NO plans on an outdoor ritual this year. And I would like to start engageing in the local community.

Originally some friends planned a get together here at the farm, sitting around the fire bowl celebrating Solstice together with roasted veggies on the fire and lots of tea. But many weeks of rain let the grass grew so high that making the place nice and cozy is impossible.

I will definitely burn candles, meditate and use some essence to lighten my spirit and ground my soul. Indoor :pray:


I’m a Swede, we celebrate midsummer.

We dance around a flower and leaf decorated pole that symbolize fertility. And we make flower wreaths to put on our heads.

Eat pickled herring,spring potatoes,sour cream with chives,hard bread and strawberries with whipped cream. The kids usually get meatballs instead of pickled herring. I’m counting as a kid in that case :laughing:

Some places have dances in their outdoor parks during the night. And some people have big parties that lasts all night because if it’s bright and clear on midsummer eve the sun never goes down.

There’s also a ritual where you’re supposed to be totally quiet, climb over 5 or 7 jackleg fences to pick 5 or 7 different kinds of flowers. And when you go to bed you’re supposed to put those flowers under the pillow and the midsummer night’s magic will in your dreams that night reveal who you’re going to marry in the future.

If you don’t have any jackleg fences close you can get away with only picking the flowers, but it needs to be in silence otherwise the magic won’t work.

It’s also very common to play a game called Kubb. It’s basically a bunch of wooden blocks you’re throwing from one side to another without hitting the block in the middle.


I like the release of old trouble. Summer solstice is a rough time at 30 degrees north latitude in Texas. The sun is very intense, days are long, it’s super hot. It’s difficult to sleep and many are hypomanic or irritable from it. So, here, the ritual is the return of hope despite the brutal heat. You always have hope. And you’ll be outside again one day. It’s like the dead of winter in other places, but you’re stressed and can’t sleep well. The sun just won’t leave you alone. But little by little, the angles change and your eyes brighten. Moods brighten. It’s beautiful as you start moving toward the autumnal equinox. Still hot, but we’re sitting there with our pumpkin spice lattes pretending and buying :jack_o_lantern: yes! Roll on Summer and keep on rolling!

Enjoy, all of my friends in opposite climates! :heart:

I will release my old life completely and open up to a new one. It will take me to enchanted places, hell yes! I won’t settle for this kind of stuff again. I’m free. Free of the chains of alcohol.

Much love to all- Happy Solstice!


I’m doing the fumigation ritual for sure! :radioactive: Very timely and I’m ready to totally let go of who I was, as well. Gonna gather requisite supplies now . Happy Summer!


Holy moly the solstice is tomorrow. Im going to try to let go of worry and have faith everthing will work out