Sunday Learning From The Scriptures

Really? I didnt take anything you said as inappropriate. I was just making discussion.

I don’t think you said anything wrong or inappropriate. I think you just have a different viewpoint. There is nothing wrong with that :slight_smile:

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That’s what makes this forum so great, different perspectives.

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I see what you are getting at. Good perspective there.

This isnt a Mormon thread at all though. And it’s only men on here, because there’s only like 2 people who post on here. I try to make the posts inclusive. Christian inclusive. It’s scripture from the New Testament. I’d appreciate your POV on here. Alternate ideas give me a better understanding of the world around me. Please feel free to post what you want here.


I happen to be using a King James version of the Bible, but I have a friend I talk to a bit from another religion who uses one called a New International Version version of the bible. They are a bit different here or there. I am sure there is truth in both versions along the way though :slight_smile:


The NIV is a pretty good translation. Honestly most of them out there, as long as they are promoting faith in Christ, are great. I just prefer KJV because I feel it’s the closest translation. Have you seen the illustrated action bible? Looks awesome.

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Lol. I thought the moderator thread made that pretty clear. And all the pictures of your baby.


I stalk you… :scream:

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I have not seen the illustrated action Bible, but it sounds very interesting. I love seeing pictures of all the Bible stories, so this definitely is something that peaks my interest a bit. Sometimes pictures help me remember the stories and the lessons from them, so it would be something I probably would like if I saw it haha :slight_smile:


Thanks for reminding me. Spaced it today.

John 13:34-35

How can we be more loving to others? Especially when we don’t feel love towards someone who has wronged us, or we have a dislike toward. How can we develop Christlike Charity and Love for these individuals?

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So I have been reading in the book of John, and am getting close to halfway though this book in the Bible. In the last few chapters I have read, there are several chapters where he talks about Love (John 13:34-35, John 14:15, John 15:10, and John 17:26 are several example verses that stood out to me in the last few chapters alone, but there are more in these chapters than just these).

I find it interesting to see how much Love there is in the scriptures. I remember a parable he game a few chapters earlier about the two greatest commandments; these, also, were about Love. I guess I find it interesting to see just how much we talk about Love.

I guess I am looking for any thoughts on why Love is heavily emphasized? Is it simply repetitive for clarity, or am I missing something unique about each story haha?

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Love fosters unity. Christ and the Father are one because they are of one heart, and one mind. They are united perfectly in their desires and goals to promote the eternal life of man.

If we can learn to love purely as Christ did, we will find that our will unites with His will.

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Haha, no problem. Though I guess we had the same idea this week. Weird how that can happen sometimes haha!

Honestly, I struggle with this one a bit. I want to love people so much, and truly try to do so. But I often find I hold grudges and past frustrations way beyond any reasonable amount of time. Sometimes months or years, still to this day, I think badly on a few things. I guess this is one of my character weeknesses I am going to have to work on more.

I think it takes practice, but maybe that’s just personal experience for me. But I imagine that we can do so by simply choosing to and then keeping committed to your choice. I don’t know, though, does anybody else have any thoughts on this?

I know I could use additional advice haha :wink:

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I see. One of the chapters I recently read did talk about the unity they have. Even the prayer that Jesus gives involves unity and lots of love there as well. I can see the big picture a bit better now. Thank you!

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Matthew 26:36-46

Ponder why the Savior was willing to submit His will to His Father’s. How can submitting our will to God/HP ultimately bless us?

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Agreed. People everywhere believe that they can profess to follow God’s will and yet do whatever they please. It just cant be so. We must seek out his word to know what his will is.


I’m not sure. He did cry, “Father, if thou be willing, let this cup pass from me, nevertheless thy will be done.”

He didnt want to undergo the suffering of the atonement. But, he was willing to do it.


I think Jesus probably was at peace with everything in the end. I imagine it was probably unbelievably hard as a mortal to experience what he did (so much he didn’t want to), but now as a resurrected being he’s probably happy he accomplished his mission.

I don’t know, just my opinion haha :slight_smile:


I’ve been slowly trying to learn so much for the past few months that I sometimes feel like I fall short. I had to remind myself that conversion doesn’t always happen all at one.

I found a scripture that stood out to me that helped me with this realization (KJB - Luke 22:32). It said WHEN we are converted, strengthen thy brethren. I find it interesting that some of Jesus’s followers weren’t fully converted yet. It just was a simple reminder that we all are on that path of learning haha :slight_smile: Thought I would share that :slight_smile:

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Haha, that is cool to have lots of material to study from :slight_smile:

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