Support that has worked for you

What are some of the best alternatives to AA? I’m doing my research. So far Dharma,TLC, Smart are what I’m looking into. Anyone worked with any of these?


I love all three. TLC has been the best for me, but I find much offered in the other two.

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Sober housing was essential to my early sobriety. Without the companionship and support of others to assist me, I would not have had any success at all. In fact, prior attempts when I lived alone in a studio apt. never amounted to any dry time at all.


This app. TS has been key to my recovery.

Starting every day off here on the gratitude thread my first three years. Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7 and I mean EVERY DAY. And then being active on here every day giving support to others. Meeting other people working their program and keeping an open mind. But being very active on here kept me sober.

I do go to AA now. But my first three years. Right here TS. And gratitude.


I go to online smart recovery meetings and I find the tools they teach are helpful . I also go to an outpatient women’s recovery group weekly. There’s a lot of support and amazing people on TS as well and i make it a priority to login daily. All of that has really helped me.

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I’ve loved it here so far :pray:t3::heart:

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I agree with @Dazercat Eric…this place has been the absolute life blood of my sobriety especially in the early days…ive not been posting as much lately but im still here reading every single day…none of us can beat addiction alone we need fellow addicts who understand what this disease is like to help each other through…read around…ask for help whenever you need it and help others xx


Only AA when i got sober so thats was the only support . I came here in 2016 was 30 years sober then still drop in now and again give my wisdom lol


Thank you :pray:t3:

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I’ve found this TS community the most helpful and supportive. But I’ve also been proactive in other ways: I’ve been honest and open with everyone about my addiction, a friend helped me get into talking to a counselor online, working on researching and reading through information, books, workbooks to try to help gain understanding of my addiction and to get healing from past traumas. My biggest difference from past attempts of trying to get and stay sober is the last times I tried to do it alone, kept it secret and had no outside support. This time I’ve been honest and open with a great support system. I feel like it has provided me with more accountability.


Yes, I feel you. This too would be my second attempt after I tried the quiet/alone approach last time. This time around I’m definitely using other resources, attended my first meeting ever last night, and have alerted my fam as to what’s going on with me (the shame is real…). What you said totally reinforced the way I’m trying to do this thing this time around. Thank you :pray:t3::blush:


Good for you trying again and being open and honest with your family. It’s hard but don’t live in the shame. How did the meeting you attended go? Keep it up!

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Yes, thank you :blush:. The meeting was great! I actually enjoyed it a lot. It was a SMART zoom meeting. I’m trying a RD this Friday and if I enjoy it, I’ll attend an in-person RD on Sunday. I’m a social butterfly so the meetings are always nice for me and hearing other’s stories is helpful I also got my days tracking thingy here, which isn’t very significant for me this early on as my issues isn’t my days without as much as the binge drinking… that’s a different monster :sweat_smile::joy:. Feeling great thought! But definitely sticking to meetings and support groups as reminder that I can not have that first drink. Our struggle is real :crazy_face:

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Glad the meeting went well! I’m glad for online meetings I have no other option because of where I live and occasionally will go to one on zoom. What’s an RD?

I’m attending online Recovery Dharma meetings several times a week. And I recently started facilitating as well. The practices and principles are reasonable and helpful for me.


Oh does RD mean Recovery Dharma? I’ve seen the abbreviation a few times now and have been wondering what it stood for.

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Sorry, Recovery Dharma. Same with me. No local meetings and this one on Sunday I will need to drive over an hour…

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Oh nice! Yea, I’m looking forward to RD and expecting my book in the mail tomorrow :heart:

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I don’t attend RD meetings, but I do follow the thread here:

I got sober on a combination of house arrest (that gave me radical accountability), AA, individual counseling and an intensive outpatient program (administered by the state Department of Corrections as part of said house arrest). I came to Talking Sober at 12 years sober and I have kept up a regular presence since. When the pandemic hit, I leaned into TS even more and I’ve been a multiple check-ins per day guy since.


My options for in person meetings are very limited as well and in my life situation would be very difficult to attend. That’s why I love online meetings. I can dial in from my home whenever I have the time.
I get community, a meditation, a reading and shares there. I was very apprehensive in the beginning but now I consider these a very important part of my recovery.