Supporting a loved one, need new sober hobbies

Hi everyone … recently searched for sobriety apps that can help and came across this. I like the fact it’s real people just talking to eachother. I’m here to help support my friend. I told her I would do it with her. So, we like to go out and have fun and drink so need to figure out new hobbies that are fun without alcohol? Also when stress hits the wine starts pouring lol so need to figure out too. Hope we can learn something from you all and help us get started :raised_hands::raised_hands:


Learning to speak, then learn to speak correctly
Roll, Crawl, walk then run
Speak truth of yourself then seek growth of that truth

If you are sincere in this journey, it will be so much fun
Misdirection will only add confusion
All that being said, day one of every journey begins just by walking in the door :door:

I wish you great success on this journey
Welcome home


Check this out the

FAQ section on the

left of the avatar those three lines .

click faQ… then latest topics

Ok thank you … just signed up today so learning how to navigate it all. Just want to be and supportive as I can for her and I figured also it will help me to quit as well which is positive. But it helps when you are around people that are sober and know you can still have fun being sober. Also not letting stress make you break and resort back … a lot to learn for both of us


The best thing, after some time, having fun without resorting to anything ADDICTIVE is the best part.

My wife and i have learned SO MUCH doing sober things. There are just as many places to be sober that are places to drink. If not more

Good luck, welcome home

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Welcome @Lena23 !

This community is great for support and knowledge. I found it 6 years ago this month and have been sober now for 5 years and 5 months.

Have a look around, use the search at the top to find topics, like “sober hobies”, there’s lots of info available.

Learning to cope with life on life’s terms is a major component to sobriety and adulting for that matter, that’s one thing I’ve had to work on, and still do; progress not perfection.

I hope you find everything you’re looking for!

Be well!.


Welcome @Lena23

Ive found i have more time to be in nature, walk, hike, run
Ive saved money so more vacations
Be curious about it. Have fun with it.

That being said, early on kicking addiction was exhausting, scary, and an emotional rollercoaster. I stayed in where i felt safe until i felt more secure in my sobriety.

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Hi Lena and welcome! :raising_hand_woman:

If you use the search button above (push the magnifying glass) and type in hobby you find many treads all about it! To many to read I guess with loads of ideas! :star_struck: Try it!

For me: I played in a Brazilian Samba band for many years and doing a Goldsmith class these days :smile:

Welcome here on this forum, many years sober because I’m here and working on my recovery.
See you around! :raising_hand_woman:

Hi @Lena23 and welcome to the TS community. What an inspirational friend you are to support your buddy in sobriety. Joining the journey is challenging, but so rewarding. To add to the previous post recommendations, a quick Google search for sober hobbies may help. What have you tried already? A fun exercise may be to get a piece of paper each, some colouring pens and separately brainstorm ideas, writing or drawing them on the paper. No filter, silly and outlandish is part of the fun. Come together, share and compare. You may be pleasantly surprised by the results. If nothing else, you’ll have a bit of fun while doing this activity. Keep coming here for support, read stories, get advice, or just have a chat. You’ve got this!