I survived my first sober wedding It wasn’t hard, but it wasn’t easy either. I guess it just wasn’t easy for the fact that it was different, and I do not like change!
Thankfully my mother in law told everyone that I quit drinking wine She offered us 48 bottles to take home because no one was drinking it. My husband declined the offer for me stating that, “she doesn’t drink wine anymore.” Lolol yeah I only gave up wine… Thank you husband for making me question whether or not you also feel shame like I do. Maybe that is a bit of an overreaction to think that, and maybe he just doesn’t want to shout it out to everyone on my behalf
Shout out to my sister in law for always making my trips to visit so delightful by throwing in a fun little comment. Such as this response to my no longer drinking wine: “Oh you’re being a good girl now! But now I won’t know what to buy you for Christmas!” Funny thing is I never normally drank around them, maybe three or four times. I guess when you have a problem it just shows through no matter what you think you’re hiding. Regardless… that comment though
Good for you! Yes, the odd comments. I chalk it up to people being uncomfortable and not knowing what to say, so that stuff just pops out of their mouth.
Glad you made it thru okay!
Congratulations, as this is a big accomplishment. I’ve been to two weddings now in my 23 months of sobriety. At one I faced many questions about stopping drinking which was a bit uncomfortable. I’d even been asked to pick up a drink for a lady at my table and I told her I’m a recovering alcoholic and didnt want to visit the open bar. She didnt know what to say other than okay. The other wedding I just had ginger ales and my wife and kids were there so that made it alot easier. One thing I do for myself at functions like these and other events is I drive separately from my wife. This way when folks start getting drunk and/or I’m feeling uncomfortable I can just leave and head home. My wife and kids totally understand the importance of my sobriety. Again well done and keep it going!
Good for you!
If you stop drinking its so weird, like you have to make excuses etc
If you stop smoking its: oh yeah great, super etc
but stopping drinking is like stigma…
Oh, how much did you drink than.
Are you an ALCOHOLIC!!! OMG
A friend of mine quit drinking too.
She drank… 2 glasses of wine every weekend
yes only 2
however it bothered her.
Its your life and you know very well ( deep down) whats good for you
You did great, take care!
The whole drinking goodlife etc is made up.
Alcohol is crap
But crap with really good pr and marketing
And whats the fun in 1 or 2 glasses of wine
At least a bottle.
Then bad sleep and nervous next day, great stuff ugh
Thanks so much everyone for the awesome words!
I brought my own drinks to the wedding cause I knew it was only pop and booze. I didn’t care how tacky I looked pulling sparkling water from my purse I needed what I like to drink.
The comments from my sister in law are just typical of her. She doesn’t drink at all but if you were to guess by the lack of her filter you would almost think she is drunk. Lol!! The comments people make are odd though. If it was smoking everyone would pay you on the back. Quit drinking?? Why?! That’s crazy!!
I love the idea of “rejuvenating my sober muscles!” What a fun way to word rewarding myself. For years I rewarded myself with drinks but this just sounds so much better. Love it!!
Yeah!!! I often say that I know exactly what drinking will bring to the situation…but learning and experiencing things sober is all new. Definitely time for new!!
That is amazing that you got through the wedding - so happy for you - sounds tough - with the comments etc - but you did it !