Hi everyone, so happy to have joined. I wanted to share my story with you and maybe some of you can relate. My mom was overweight my entire life and always told me to never gain more than 5 lbs. She honestly was the best mom I could of ever dreamed of having and her heart was in the right place. Needless to say I yo-yo dieted my entire life. Then menopause hit and I gained weight so quickly. I lost my confidence, old dieting tricks no longer worked and I had to find a new way to lose this weight. I finally realized I was addicted to sugar. Not saying it was the easiest thing I’ve ever done but I was able to change my mindset around food and walk away from sugar. I want you to know you can rid your life from sugar too. Self talk and understanding why I was doing what I was doing, not being able to say no to sugar to now being in control of what I put in my life has helped me drop 30lbs, balance my hormones and regain my health. I have regained my confidence and you can do the same. Whether is to just rid your life of sugar to be healthy or to remove it as it’s taken the place of another addiction. Be encouraged, it is possible.
Hi sweet tooth
Im one too i go totally overboard with sugar and sweetner combined and i have been through the menopause and gained a lot of weight.
Because if my mobility issues there is only so much i can do, but ive given up chocolate and sweets and go for a walk most days.
My coffee though, I take SWEET
Good to read what you have managed, im not sure if you cut down b4 you gave up sugar.
Did you get headaches?
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