Sweets cravings

Day 63 AF and my chocolate cravings are WILD. I was truly never a sweets person before this…do these cravings get easier or will I have to white knuckle through these Lindt dreams??? Lol…they’re worse than my drink of choice cravings rn :weary:


Solid effort reaching 63 days Davina! I aim to get there in 40 days. Your sweet tooth story resonates with me. I never used to be a sweet tooth either, but I’ve found myself reaching for a chocolate digestive biscuit whenever I have a cup of tea. So, I don’t buy them anymore, as it’s counterproductive to my waistline🤣 Lindt chocolate is so good though!


Congrats on your 63 Davina

I definitely substituted lots of sugary snacks instead of alcohol. Cookies and gelato were my new demons. I do miss them now. Anyway. As long I was hitting the pillow sober I just enjoy some of those sweet treats. I waited a year and a half before I started that no sugar thread. I felt bad physically and mentally snacking a lot on sugary delights. But I felt so much better being sober. There are probably more threads about substituting sugar if you search up above.

Here the thread I started. Others have joined and come and go. You might get some ideas. Like I use those sugar free Russel Stovers chocolates sometimes.

But again. I felt my sobriety came first. It took awhile to stop rewarding myself with sugary treats.


Well done on 63 days!!

Alcohol consumption releases dopamine, the reward chemical that makes you feel good. When you quit, goodbye dopamine. Enter sugar. Sugar consumption triggers dopamine, and now you’re feeling good again.

I think almost all of us went through it at some point, the sugar cravings.

Honestly, I used to be in the camp of “it’s better than drinking, so indulge” - but 5+ years of sobriety and 30lbs later, I think it would be better the keep that monster in check. I wish I didn’t spend those years eating all that sugar because now I have a steeper hill to climb.

But that’s me.

If you can control it, I’d definitely recommend that. Maybe feed the cravings with fruit instead.
And as always, regular exercise helps with everything!


@Dazercat thanks for the threads look up idea…I should have thought of that! Still learning to maneuver around a bit. And you’re right…it’s more important to hit the pillow sober.

@HoofHearted fruit is a good idea…they were not my thing before but neither was chocolate! I’ll make sure to have some good fruit around to try and sate that sweet tooth :yum: