Swimmers šŸŠšŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø & Ice bathing thread


Hi guys,

I had a wonderful 2500 meter swim, fresh but sunny. It was nice, as well as not only using the cold shower afterwards, but switching between a very hot one and a very cold one today.

Heartā€¦ Rateā€¦
I had the first 1000 with my training (whatever) buddy, some of you know the difficulties with this guy. Long storry short, he is not the best for me, although swimming and battling is funny of cause. He started earlier and so he left earlier.

What I noticed today was, that when I was swimmimg alone after the first 1000ā€¦ (and had this direct comparison) I was sooo much more into a good gentle flow, body and mind calming down, pushing forward with a constant aerob heartā€¦ rate. When he was gone!

My heart is beating better without him!


Did a quick and dirty swim today: ran into the pool, 800 m in 25 minutes, ran out and off to meet a friend. That was a bit stressful :see_no_evil:, really got to make more time next time. But I am happy I went.


Samsies! I was at the pool w my husband and son this evening. I had gone to the gym earlier in the day for a (light) weight training class to help me with my painā€¦.but the pool looked too good! Got a quick 500 in in about 15 minutes.

Yesterday, I was so inspired by Courtney Dauwalterā€™s historic ultramarathon win that I decided to actually time my kilometer (since I am ā€œtrying to cultivate an easy and joyful relationship with my bodyā€ right now, I have NOT been timing at all). Then I decidedā€¦ā€hey! Sometimes, cultivating a joyful relationship CAN mean trying to push a bit more than usualā€¦for funā€. So I got my full kilometer done in 29min flat WITH an 1/4 of my laps being kick board laps (which really slow me down). I was pretty proud of that :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Cheers to joyful bodies!


The news is, I have a swimmers ear!
Inflamation in the ear caused by pool water in the ear. That means 2 or 3 days pausing at least.
And yeah you know - that sucks :heart:

Not sure if it was only the water, as you know a bit about the emotional stress caused by a guy that I had in the water this summer. But ok, maybe that is just too spiritual.

Taking antibiotics eardrops now.

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Oh no, that is so frustrating. Hope the days go quickly and you can heal. I am sure the emotional stress hasnā€™t helped, and it could easily manifest. I often have physical symptoms triggered by stress, tiredness (neuro issues, the brain is a very powerful thing).

I havenā€™t been able to get in the pool since the weekend due to back to school and increasing my hours at work, finding that really frustrating.

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Ive tip toed onto here to apologise as ive not stuck to my promise to go swimming this weekā€¦money and life have gotten in the way a bit but i will be joining in on here very soon, love to u all :heart:


Hi there, still knocked out a bit cause of the swimmers ear, 15% left, it is definetly healing. Tomorrow Iā€™m having a tooth pulled (lolā€¦ Itā€™s OK, he is done) so there will be 2 more days pausing at least.

The outdoor pool closed on Sunday without me :cry:
Thatā€™s itā€¦

Didnā€™t met that xxxx guy again.
He called on Wednesday if we met for swimming, didnā€™t realy listen about my health problem. Pulling over medical tips and saying ā€œget in touch when you are well againā€ā€¦

Yea, if I donā€™t function as his nice accessory, Iā€™m uninteresting. ā€œLet me know when you function againā€. I donā€™t want his stressful way and everything, the empty flirting during a swimming session in the indoor pool. Iā€™d better go alone! I want to go alone.


No need to apologize, life goes itā€™s ways.
I hope you find some way back to the pool soon :upside_down_face::blue_heart:


Iā€™m happy to report Iā€™ve just spent a good half an hour swimming round here up on the Moors of northern England! Man, I felt alive!! :swimming_man:
I think Iā€™ll have to make this a regular thing.

First time swimming in years. Let alone wild swimming. Let alone sober wild swimming!!?! What have I become!! :joy:


Done the swimming thing again today. My training plan called for crawling arms and breastroking legs. That was a lot more tricky to do than I thought and felt really pitiful. Maybe it was an exercise to train self confidence :see_no_evil::sweat_smile:.
Love the outdoor swim @Jimmy99. Whatā€™s the temperature?


Haha, hilarious! I feel the same way about my new gym habit. That is a stunning photo. Going to sound really thick now but I always thought the moors were just the moors, didnā€™t realise there were lakes. Really obvious there would be lakes if I think about itā€¦


You have an actual training plan! You sound a LOT more professional than I am. I thrashed around in a pretty cold Res for half an hour!! Haha.
It was about 12Ā°C. But the wind felt pretty cold up on the tops of the Moors walking to it.


Howā€™s the filthy gym habit? Is that a new addition to your life? I contemplated joining a gym too, but Iā€™m a ridiculous man, and keep telling myself I should do stupid things like swim in freezing lakes or run up impossible hills. ā€œItā€™s more ruggedā€. Iā€™ll keep trying to convince myself.

And yep, loads of water up here! I do love it round here, lots of beauty up on the Moors of Saddleworth and surrounding areas and villages.


Welcome Jimmyā€¦ Amazing spot!
I would love to swim in 12Ā° water.
Want to give icebathing a try this autumn / winter. Since Wednesday I am recovering from a swimmers ear. Nice to have you here. Happy swimming :blue_heart:


Honestly, 3 months ago I would have laughed at the idea of the gym. I probably hadnā€™t run in 20 years. Now I completely love it! I am probably distracting myself from alcohol this way but whatever works!

I do love nature and being outside though. I am so jealous of your surroundings. Hertfordshire canā€™t quite compete!


Oh wowā€¦a huge well done to you for keeping the booze at bay and doing amazing things in the gym!! If I were closer Iā€™d contemplate joining you for inspiration. When the winter starts to bite, I may even join a gym!

Hertfordshire is beautiful in parts anyway, and a damn site warmer than up here in the winter months! Well, any months!!


I miss it so much!
Tomorrow I will go to the indoor pool :blue_heart:
8 days pausingā€¦ Oh gosh!


Just perfect. :smiley::green_heart::blue_heart:
Is it near your apartment?

I had a 2000 in 50ā€¦ Alone, first time in the indoor pool after summer. Alone. On my own! Not pushing too much, being in a good flowā€¦ Mantra ā€œmy body is powerfulā€.

So nice, not hurrying in the shower cause of any guy waiting impatient - lol-!

After 8 days pausing due to swimmers ear and tooth extraction (on the other side). All is fine and healed and I will use the ā€œdolphinerā€ ear drops after swimming prophylactic.

Happy swimming :blue_heart::fist:t2:


Amazing @Soberbilly and @Juli1

I made it to the pool today and loved it! It is my daughterā€™s birthday so finished early and took the kids swimming. It was freezing but so relaxing. I am that gentle tired atm. Feeling really good :blush:


Had a 2000 in 50 yesterday. Flowy session, not hurrying, enjoying the indoor pool, enjoying without a guy waiting impatient after showr, lol. OM! :woman_in_lotus_position:t2::swimming_woman:t2:

Chatted with some lifeguards I saw again after the outdoor season.

My new goal is: resting days in between training, not being toooo fanatic, having good mantras before and in training. Letā€™s c where this brings me!

Happy swimming :blue_heart: :swimming_woman:t2: :swimming_woman:t6: :man_swimming:t4: :turtle: