Swimmers šŸŠšŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø & Ice bathing thread

The swimming pool has been great for me this week! Got 3 swims in, i do HIIT so itā€™s not alot of lengths but i go as hard as i can every length as if iā€™m racing someone. Wednesday was the first day i combined my chest routine with a swim afterwards, really good stuff!


I am getting there. I swam 800 m today in one go already :star_struck:. Every time I start swimming the first few lanes I am thinking thereā€™s NO WAY I will be able to do this for 20 lanes. But once I find my flow and it feels great. Easy peasy. Itā€™s a bit like sobriety. You just keep going forward step by step, or better stroke by stroke.


Absolutely. I was describing to my wife that ā€˜warmā€™ feeling you feel in your lungs. Sheā€™s not a swimmer, but i feel like when i do lap after lap, itā€™s not that iā€™m out of breath, my lungs feel that warm feeling, for me itā€™s a good feeling to just keep going. I love that comp to sobriety. For me swimming is a critical part of my sobriety, as i leave work i head off to the pool and in that pool i drop off all the stress of the day, just leave it right there!

Yesterday i did a chest routine for 45 minutes, and i did 1.5 hours of pickle ball. Iā€™ll pick back up swimming thursday.


I had a real good 2000 meter workout today.
Good old set :rofl::muscle:t2:
500 freestyle
500 backstroke with fins
500 paddles and pullboey
500 free choice

The last one I had 300 freestyle with short fins that went in a craaaazy good flow and 200 with long fins separated butterfly kicks underwater and 5 butterfly strokes each laneā€¦ Exhauuusting but i think it wasnā€™t bad.

As some of you know, I made the switch from outdoor to indoor few weeks agoā€¦
And with this switch I found distance to my training whatever (ā€¦) buddy who didnā€™t treat me good and whoā€™s behavior and personality feeded my love addiction perfectly.

The distance is making me feel much lighter and you can even c it on my heartrateā€¦
My sleep is constantly 7 hours without a break!

I had a few swims last week without high energy feeling like a slow duck. But today I was back to my level yeah :sunglasses:

I will easyliy reach my goal for 2023: 365 km
without pushing to hard. I want a bit more balance by walking regulary in nature (love the fresh air in the morning) and strength training. Yoga for sureā€¦ Part of my routine.

I want that flow in the waterā€¦ Funā€¦ Lightnessā€¦ And ohyeah that deep mediation, releaseā€¦
And anything else we enthusiastic swimmers can find in the pool. I feel you so much @Pandita @SelfLove_42

Happy swimming :swimming_woman:t2: :man_swimming:t4: :swimming_woman:t3: :turtle::blue_heart:


Thatā€™s the coolest point :ok_hand:t2::sunny::sunglasses:


Whatsup gang?
How is your swimmers yourney?

@Soberbilly @Mischa84 @JennyH @Starlight14 @ELY83 @Twizzlers @CATMANCAM @Jimmy99 @Just_Laura @Bart_pt

ā€¦ Or everyone else, welcome to share some swimmers or watersports experience :swimming_woman:t2::swimming_man::man_swimming:t4:


I am here and have my afternoon off, hoping to go swimming today. We went last on Sunday and that is too long to wait between. Working FT hours most of the week is really getting in the way. Our pool seems to close at the hours I could swim for lessons.

I recently discovered the magic of swimming with a greater depth beneath you! It feels different, and I love it. I used to be scared of the deep water (still would be in nature), but the lane next to the diving area is still so deep and I love the feel of it. Hard to describe, but the pressure is different.


Great that you mention me cause I totally forgot I wanted to start swimming when kids go back to school :woman_facepalming:t3: Thank you!
I will choose one day in a week and I will go to swimming pool, for now I think it will be Tuesday. So expect my weekly raport starting next Tuesday :slight_smile:



Yesterday had a long day, got home and realized the family wasnā€™t home, immediately jumped back in the car and headed for a swim. Itā€™s interesting yesterday a long distance swimmer was next to me and helped me keep a good pace.


Hi Julia, im actually struggling to afford to go at the moment but hopefully il get there soon, hope you are well, sending love xx


Hey! Thanks for tagging me in this. Iā€™ll be honest, after YEARS of doing barely no swimming at all, I only just started wild swimming up on Marsden moors a few weeks ago. But in the last two weeks I went for a wild swim on my day off, and it was getting pretty damn cold. I think I managed half an hour gentle swimming.

So I went to my local indoor swimming baths this Monday. It was very nice. I managed a few dozen lengths. But, I was amazed just how quickly I tired! It made me realise just how unfit I might be?! Particularly demoralising as there was a retired older lady in the next lane who swam more than I did (she had a full blue rinse!) Haha. Oh well. I will be going again on my day off and slowly chip away at regaining my fitness through swimming, and Iā€™m enjoying it so far! What is the swimming app youā€™re using?


Uuuuughā€¦since the school year started Iā€™ve been swimming ONCE! :sob::sob::sob:

Between day work, my business and the babyā€¦gym time has been slim pickins.

That and my body seems to be being helped by weights classes (nothing crazyā€¦just those hand weight interval type classes). So on sundays when I usually have the time to go, Iā€™ve been prioritizing that instead. I think itā€™s that PLUS me bumming myself out ahead of schedule about the outdoor pool closing for the season and the INDOOR pool being my only option :expressionless:

I really appreciate this @ though. I am going to scroll back up through my posts to remind myself of my swimming time. Maybe itā€™ll be enough to get me back into the water on this last weekend of outdoor swim šŸ©µšŸ’™šŸ©µ


Come on over @Tragicfarinelli

Definitely know what you mean about swimming feeling natural, I feel at home in the water. Running just seems to impact in a way swimming definitely doesnā€™t.


Hello swimming friends :blush:

Yes I do love the water, I feel amazing in it. Is the only exercise where I feel my mind drifts, running I fight myself and my head is super engaged. Swimming, I just sort of drift away into a content place.

Todayā€™s effort:

Iā€™m not super fast.


Hey guys,

thank you so much for all your replies.
I feel a reminder is appreciated.
Sorry some of you are struggling with time management. Hope you find ways.

@JennyH what a wonderfuk experience, yeah the pressure definitely is different but we can get used to it slowly. I was surprised what is possible during diving training for the lifeguard certificate last year.

@Mischa84 you are appreciatedā€¦ Let me know how it was!

@Soberbilly you will always be the sweetest turtle deep in the ocean. C ya :heart_eyes:

@SelfLove_42 welcome again and I am happy you find the time slots anyway

@Starlight14 Just go :blue_heart:ā€¦ Itā€™s always worth it. Thank you I am doing much betterā€¦ Mentally and physically. Got my 30.days today yeah! Donā€™t want to go back to hell

@ELY83 I always love the special energy you are spreading! You were the reason I started sprinting a bit. Keep on coming back. Love to read you!

@Jimmy99 donā€™t worryā€¦ Swimming performance is a question of consistency.
Itā€™s good to do it regulary to slowly get better. A technique feedback from time to time helped me a lot. And thenā€¦ Consistency again. You will build up endurance.

I loved the storry of your open water swimming. Hope you find a routine at the indoor pool for winterā€¦ I am using huawei health app and the huawei watch fit elegant. I am happy with it since 1,5 years itā€™s just not counting the lanes right, if I am using long fins. :8ball::sweat_smile:

@JennyH Thanks for welcoming @Tragicfarinelli and sharing your experience about the effects of water and swimming on your mind. I am sooo into it :smiley:

Happy Sunday and happy swimming!
Much love :blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:


Off to my second swim of the week in an hour :revolving_hearts:


Thanks again @Juli1 for starting this thread. I love reading everyoneā€™s progress. Welcome @Tragicfarinelli so glad you are here.

I am hoping to go in about an hour. Not sure with this cold, finding it quite frustrating.


It will be worth it if you do make it x


You tipped the scales, swimming is booked :man_swimming:

Btw, will you be watching your women defeat our women later? :rofl:


Yes Jenny, Iā€™m at Stamford bridge later I shall indeed be watching us thrash Spurs :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: