Swimmers 🏊🏼‍♀️ & Ice bathing thread

Aaah, well at least one of us will enjoy :grin:


Wow Julia 30 days is incredible! So happy for you xx


Swimming was lovely today again, very relaxing. If it’s too busy in the lanes then I get a bit anxious, but today was nice and quiet!


Oh lovely, our pool was so busy so definitely experienced lane anxiety. I am a medium lane swimmer really, but had to go in the fast lane as kept overtaking in the medium, only to be faced with the same problem in the fast. Got a little frustrating as had to keep holding back as one man clearly didn’t want me passing him :unamused:

Still, enjoyed when I was able to get into a good rhythm, and loved doing handstands etc. with my daughter.


Hi thanks for asking. Hmm at the moment the sea is way wild, impossible to go for a swim.
Anyway, i don’t really see myself as a swimmer as such. I just go to the beach, see how i feel about taking a swim. But i’d say i hardly ever swim for more than 15 minutes in one go. It’s more to clear the mind a bit, feel alive (especially when the water is cold which is not now).


Oh I have such lane rage. Similar to motorway driving in the middle lane to be honest… :rofl::rofl:

Glad you went and glad you enjoyed. I loved my session, so relaxing. Bet your daughter loved it too


Cannae help it…


Heading out in about half hour. I’m sad I won’t get to see our Betty England play. Half expect to see her in the Chelsea stand :rofl::joy::rofl:


I had a 2500 in a 50 meter sized pool today :muscle:t2:

But now… I got the “yard” thing :smiley::smiley::smiley::sweat_smile:
Was confused.


I just need to shortly report about the energy during my swim yesterday.
I was just smashing it… Like nothing.
This power surprised me!
And of course - it was so much fun.
Will c how it goes tonight :muscle:t2:

I love swimmimg :heartpulse::blue_heart::heartpulse:


I planned Swimming Tuesdays but I think I’m gonna change it info Swimming Thursday, at least this week. It was windy and rainy this morning, I didn’t have appetite for biking and I have ~8km to get to the pool. I’m disappointed


I’m going Thursday evening as well. Did my third ‘5km’ training run today at lunch. Felt good and my muscles are crying a little bit it feels so good.


I did it! Thank you @Juli1 for extra motivation!
I made chill 1km and after that sauna for 15min.
Boy oh boy, it was so worth it 🩵
Definitely gonna be my every week thing


My days, how many laps is 1km?

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1 km = 2,5 laps

Pool that I go to has 25m so I swim 40 lenghts. Im not a good swimmer, can only swim classic style :sweat_smile: so it’s definitely more relax than training.


How cool that you can joyn a Sauna directly there… Heard about hot tub too. Hmm we don’t have that. Sauna is a separate area you have to pay extra for and germans are doing there mixed fully naked fkk things there :rofl::roll_eyes:

I had a real strange mood today…
The swim today was helpful.
2200 meters

I had skin irritation (mentally caused obviously) and I showered with extra sensitive stuff and used sensitive body oil directly in the shower on my wet skin. Ouuuuh skin is at eaaase now.

Happy swimming - peaceful mind :blue_heart:


I know, it’s fckn awesome there is a sauna! And in the morning, when there is not much ppl and only older people anyway, temperature is pretty high, which is great. Some years ago (prehistoric times before the kids) I used to go to swimming pool in the evenings and a lot of teenagers going in and out of sauna all the time, temp was not more than 60 usually which is crap (for sauna). And they move soooo slooooow, you would think it’s on purpose, keeping the door open for so long… Okay boomer, calm down xd
I can’t wait Tuesday when o go back again :relieved:

My old gym have a sauna as well. Also mixed and all naked, eventually covered with towel. I got used to it :slight_smile: Just didn’t like when somebody, especially man, totally naked decided to have conversations with me tho :wink:


Feeling the feels for swimming… I’ve brought my costume and my dry robe…

Gonna brave it later on!


A gentle flow for a gentle flow :blue_heart:

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So i’ve changed my schedule to break my plateau and get more sleep. I now swim first thing in the morning. The pool opens at 7am and i try to get in a 20 min HIIT swim. So i found that i had more energy for this swim than my afternoon swims! I just felt more powerful in the pool. That was a welcome change. I stopped eating around 4:45pm yesterday so i did a 14 hour fasted workout, which is just burning fat. Now that i’m doing this it allows me to do 2-a-days, doing a lift in the evening before coming home. I want to drop another 30 lbs before i turn 43 next mark. My focus is back on sleep, swimming, protein, and walking as my techniques again. Good start so far! (please note, that 57 min duration is only because i forgot to turn my watch off swim mode, it’s really like 20 minutes)