Symptoms of detoxing

@FelipeM Just know that what you are going through, you never have to go through again. Once you start feeling good, remember HOW you got there. The pain and withdrawals are to remind you that it’s poison. It’s to remind you that you got very sick. Never forget where you came from and never go back. You have that choice now. Just for today, don’t drink/use. Say that everyday to yourself and it will get better.
I couldn’t quit the cigarettes either at the beginning. It kind of held me together. I am just now going through the process of quitting cigarettes now that I am stable in my recovery in sobriety. One thing at a time, my friend. Tengo fe en ti. Puedes hacerlo.


This is all GOLD to me Melrm i thank you from my soul for your words, it gives me the force to overcome the pain, THANK YOU, its nice to read you in spanish :smiley:


Se necesita un fuego de determinación desde lo más profundo de tu alma. Un deseo como ningún otro, ser feliz y libre de la obsesión. Tienes que desear la sobriedad más de lo que quieres usar. Lo tienes en ti para hacer esta importante elección. Te salvará la vida.
He utilizado google porque sólo soy fluido pero un poco.:grin: No matter the language, we are all in this together.


@Melrm, I love the way you are, and I can see that you are a great support for this community … thanks … thanks … thanks …:kissing_heart:

Me ha gustado muchísimo que hables en un perfecto español, es fantástico, yo contigo voy a aprender inglés y tu conmigo español, un besazo guapa!!

@FelipeM remember that here you are not alone, here you will receive much support, use it well, focus on saving your life, you can do it!! a big hug.


I experienced bodily symptoms for about 2 weeks- nausea, terrible night sweats, body aches, extreme fatigue, I broke out in rashes all over my chest and face from the toxins leaving my body. Then the sugar cravings kicked in and I was going to the grocery store for cake like twice a day, which is something I never did before.
After about 3 weeks it became a mental struggle- cravings around happy hour every day, extreme highs and lows throughout the day, bouts of tears, anxiety leading into full blown panic over nothing, irrational paranoia, anger, extreme gratefulness, manic episodes leading to binge eating or binge shopping online, beating myself up emotionally, then telling myself I was amazing and I deserved a drink, over and over…Oof.
I had a lot of “monkey mind” going on for about the first 60 days…lots of internal chatter that lead to breakdowns.
I’m focusing now on riding it out like a wave. Breathing exercises, going for a walk, running it off or working myself to exhaustion in the yard.
Over 100 days sober and feeling really really fantastic now!!!


Can’t wait for my insomnia to vanish! Has actually been the worst part.

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I’m on day 3. Insomnia which leads to fatigue the next day at work. I can’t focus, I get so sidetracked. Irritability to the max. I can avoid going to the store, but I’m a bartender. I am surrounded by temptation. I feel accomplished today, but worn out. Tomorrow I return to work and it will be a challenge.


First 5 days were the worst! I was shaky, light headed, felt like I had the flu. I was sweating like a pig. I couldn’t eat anything all food sounded gross. I was also in a terrible mood and felt depressed. I definitely was emotionally unstable. Now I’m 16 days and that has all gone away besides some of the mood aspects. It gets so much better


Me encantaría que mucho para aprender su hermoso idioma con fluidez.
I’m like everyone else…just giving back the kindness and compassion that was so freely given to me.

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Try a few sleep hypnosis videos online, some of time kinda work and also meditation! Also making sure your whole room is blacked out works :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the support Juli, im reaching day 3 now :slight_smile: im getting back into my self slowly but i feel like im getting my sight clearer and clearer, this site and all the people like you and all the support is like a good dream. Big hug to everyone reading!


I concur! The sleep hypnosis app on my phone has been a big help to me. Keeps my mind present and focused on the task at hand - sleeping - rather than obsessing. I highly recommend at least trying this if you’re having sleeping problems. Free app on Google Play Store.

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Keep going, im just starting to feel little better, im reaching day 3 and right now im having those rashes you talk about, extreme loads of shame and fear without any logical reason, it seams like my neurons are pushing me to consume, using all the intellectual resources to make compsumtion reasonable, in that moment i try to think in something else or i come here and read some of the experiences shared by people like you, and share what i feel, and let me tell you, it feels good.
I also think like if my addicted brain is got its own life, it gives me all kinds of images, feelings, memories, every little detail it gives and creates is like having a salesman inside my head trying to convince me to do the wrong thing, i remember the old days cartoons with the little devil and the angel giving each one its own speech, like if have two separate selves and i have to keep my self in alert state.
I hope i can help someone else big hug for everyone reading this!


Thank you. I am realizing its better to take it one day at a time certainly. My symptoms seem alot better now. Sleeping easier already

Congrats on 100 days. Im now learning to take it one day at a time. Reading everyone’s symptoms makes me realize im not alone in this process. Thank you

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I just stopped taking my melatonin 5 days ago and now im sleeping all through the night. Once i dont go back to binge drinking i think i will be okay. I will check out those videos certainly

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We are all here for you. Some are in different stages but we are here as a community. You are not alone

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My first detox from alcohol was the worst. I was drinking so much it was literally hard to swallow anymore. Maybe from constantly vomiting. I burnt my esophagus. So I woke up after about an hour nap and I was shaking all over. I had a loud ringing in my ears and was dry heaving to the point of peeing on myself. By the third hour of no alcahol, I was having hallucinations and felt like my skin was on fire. Shaking was getting worse. I decided to try a small drink to stop the pain. But couldn’t hold the glass. It was the worst experience of my life.
You’d think I would have learned from that.
I drank again.
That time quitting was just as painful but, I admitted myself because I was told that detox can be very dangerous. I was able to get the medical treatment I needed. I don’t recommend detoxing on your own if you are a heavy drinker.
I’m 12 days sober now. And I still have some restless nights. And some agitation. My muscles hurt. But other than that, I feel better.
I’m glad to be sober today.


I can commiserate with your feelings of having a salesman in your head trying to convince you to drink.
I had full blown conversations with myself in my head for days and days about if I should have a drink or not, hence the “monkey mind” I referred to. It was just a constant chatter, lots of noise, a lot of shame started to rear it’s head too.
Our inner Critic can be very very mean if given the limelight. I’m learning now to engage my inner Observer instead. Let the crap feelings be there, take note of what they have to say, then ask them kindly to leave. Remind yourself you’ve made a decision to heal and be a better person and you deserve a better life.
I’ve started saying “I love you” or “you’re enough!” to myself in the mirror. This was extremely hard to start doing. I wanted to say so many mean things instead.
I’ve learned when you’re emotionally and physically fragile from the pains of addiction you have to treat yourself like a mother to a baby. Be kind, be loving, take care of your basic needs like food, hydration, sleep and loneliness.
Everyday it becomes a little bit easier to handle! I promise!


Im sorry it was si difficult for you to detox. It must be really scary having the DTs. Im glad you admitted yourself and your here writing your testimony.