Symptoms of detoxing

Been 15 days without real alochol or binge drinking. I had 1 light beer 5 days ago and felt bad

Just curious. What are some of your symptoms of detoxing from alochol or any drugs​:thinking::thinking::thinking: and how long did it take to subside ???


Oh geeze. That’s a bit difficult because it’s different for everyone. For me personally… I binge drank and used cocaine and crack for the last 6 years. My withdrawal off all 3 lasted 3 days straight. Vomiting, headaches, body pain like the flu, severe mood swings (anger to depression to panic attacks to crying), hot flashes, night sweats, kidney infection, couldn’t concentrate (foggy). I lost my appetite the first 2 days then on day 3 I started eating like crazy. On day 4, I felt amazing…like the real me. But my sleeping patterns were messed up for the first month and I still had concentration issues (paws) It got better over time but I never forgot the hell I went through to get here. Today, at 140 days…I am so grateful, happy, and becoming content in my own skin. Enjoy the journey.


2 weeks w/out alcohol here… i have experienced shakiness, insomnia, anxiety, forgetfulness, gnawing hunger, & irritability. It was intense for about a week, now has subsided quite a bit. Now i sleep like a baby & my mood has pretty much stabilized. I am not shaky anymore either


My drug of choice is alcohol. Terrible night sweath the first 5 days; gone on day 6 and did not return… i always slept well, but i can sleep now for hours​:woman_shrugging:. The first 3 weeks i felt very tired during the day… now its getting better. Anxiety decreased slowly… away after about 2 weeks… i still can be in an overthinking and worrying mood​:thinking::roll_eyes: but i think that’s the “normal” me. Lots of succes, it GETS better!!!


Merv. Alcoholic.

Depends on how long I was going at it, which, towards the end was at least 1/5th a day + beers and god knows what else.

Definitely shakiness, tremendous anxiety or full blown panic if I didnt have a drink for about 6 hours. massive naseau and vomiting, even if I had nothing in my stomach. Just bile. Very painful. Zero appetite, unless I was drunk enough. Sleep is non existent. Sweating. Crippling depression.

I’d white knuckled a couple detoxes on my own like that and it would last about 2 days. My last bender was just too much. I chose to medically supervised detox in rehab and it was only slightly better, but much safer. Didnt feel fully normal until at least day 4 in there. Truly nightmarish.

General anxiety lasted for another couple weeks but by then my SSRI’s were actually able to properly work. Much love out there.


Increased temperature… I was always hot! I had anxiety, depression and insomnia… But i wouldn’t call that detox symptoms as i had those troubles during my drinking career. So yes, apart from increased temp i had no symptoms…


Congratulations on making it this far. That is amazing that you were able to detox from all of that and make it out


I hated the increased temperature because i already live in a hot place so it made it worse

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I only had the vomiting and stuff following the next day but i cant imagine anything more than that. Sleep deprivation is what honestly got to me the most. Im glad you got a medical supervision this time around it is definitely much safer

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Yeah i felt very tired also during the day and it was driving me nuts but at least i could just stay in bed. Im going to push myself to go as long as possible now to stay sober cause i hate going through all of these detox symptoms over and over again

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Your detox symptoms sounds alot like mine. Im ready to push myself now and go fully sober. No more relapses


I had restless legs at first with drinking alochol but now it has subsided. Im trying to get back to restful sleep at a good time. Im trying to get to 14 days then make it to a month. Dont want to experience those withdrawals again


Symptoms for me range mostly from feeling very depressed, anxiety, lack of motivation and feeling outta control. Just keep reminding yourself its all temporary. I ended downloading a bunch of devotional apps to keep me distracted when im feeling down or get the urge. The insomnia annoys cause it gets me overthinking and then i feel really down, and im just stuck in bed tossing and turning praying really hard to fall asleep so i stop thinking.


Same here except for the kidney infection. Like hell and back!


For me the symptom is irritability. It will be 60 days without alcohol tomorrow and I still get irritated from time to time. The cravings aren’t bad. Maybe once a week.


The key is to remember all of this so you don’t go through it again and again. It never gets better. Sobriety is what makes you feel like you again.


Insomnia is what affected me the most also because i felt as if there was no hope for the next day because i knew i would feel bad

Just do it one day at a time, don’t think avout tomorrow: stay clean for this day, focus on that! In that way you keep it simple, and the days clean start to count… the symptoms dissapear ( one slowlier than the other but that’s ok…) the tiredness lest the longest for me. Stay strong, if we can do it, you can do also!!:blush::pray:


Me too lots of body heat, but i had lots of signs and symtoms.


Hey Melrm im going through that right now, actually this is my second day without drinking alcohol and without doing cocaine, or mariguana, i used to drink everyday, at least a quarter of a bottle of whiskey and 1 to 3 sniffs of cocaine per drink, i started to loose the pleasure, i started being emotionally flat, then one day i went to a party with my addict friends which by the way all of my friends are addicts, well they were sniffing crystal so i tryied it, just after that moment i did not like it or hated it, but i knew i was crossing a line, i knew that was a break point, i got very depressed i did not want anybody to see me i went to a motel, i wanted the effect of all the drugs or alcohol to vanish, but i started feeling the guilt, it was so strong… that in a way made me realize i wanted to quit drugs and alcohol, i needed to make the decision to quit, i no longer had any pleasure when i started drinking alcohol and doing drugs they produced me euphoria, lots of pleasure, after all these yoears i no longer feel any pleasure i started to see the real face of all the things and people that i sorrounded myself with, i no longer had any plasure i was just losing my limits, this is my second day without using drugs or alcochol, im living that very moment that you shared with us, i have panic attacks just before going to sleep, i have night sweats, anorexia, muscle pain, spasms, i vomit like 2 or three times a day. Im still smoking one or two marlboros red ones which i intend to quit in the future, i know it sounds stupid to keep smoking cigarrets but i just can not do it right now, i thank you for sharing your expirience, receive a warm hug from Tijuana, Mexico.