Tackling Bad Behavior: Moderator Actions

So as you know, we have a few moderators (including myself) that are currently doing their best to keep the forum a safe place:
@Steve92 @NewPerspective @C-sun @SassyRocks

I’ve noticed that there are people who keep behaving in a bad, rude or disrespectful way. They do get flagged and their posts get removed, but they just continue doing so a few days later.

As moderators we have a system in place. If we feel someone crosses a line, we send them out an official warning (you’ll see a red message in your inbox). When that someone gets their third official warning, we suspend them. It usually doesn’t come to this and we decide on how long we should suspend someone based on the circumstances.

The problem with this system is that it is easy to fly under the radar so to say. You could have your posts flagged and removed a lot, but as long as you don’t do anything major you’ll never get a warning. Flags need to be taken more seriously and there needs to be a way for them to lead up to warnings.

Going forward we are going to be closely monitoring flags. We’ll only look at valid flags - posts that actually broke the rules and deserve to be taken down. Every time a user’s post gets flagged and taken down we’ll look at his history of flagged posts. If they are too high in a certain period we’ll send out a warning. I’m not going to make the requirements public as I don’t want anyone gaming the system.

So in a nutshell:

  1. User gets flagged a lot because user is breaking the forum rules
  2. User will get a warning
  3. If user continues, user will get more warnings until suspended

This will add more of an impact to flags, which will help the community have a say in the community (other than just hiding posts). These consequences will lead to a more polite and respectful environment for everyone.


Good, so all my flags that didn’t actually break any rules won’t be counted against me bc my post yesterday certainly didn’t and was still hidden ( I don’t know if it was actually flagged). I’m glad you are tightening up the rules, but not knowing the standards seems rather unfair. It also seems like a system that can be abused by the people making the rules.

Also, our mods have been doing a great job.

The irony of this statement isn’t lost on me 3-24-20

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If your post was flagged and a moderator agreed with it, it will count against you.

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Did you approve my flag? I’m curious to know what rule I broke so I don’t do it again

You can message me privately if you have any questions about your previous flags. Let’s keep this topic tidy.

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