Take 100% responsibility for your life

There’s only one person responsible for your life. The person is you. If you want to be successful, you have to take 100% responsible for everything you experience in your life, from the level of your achievements to the results you produce, to the quality of your relationships, to the state of your health, addiction and the physical fitness- even responsibility for your feelings, your income, your debt… everything! You have total control over the thoughts you think, the images you visualize, and the actions you take. How you use these three things determine everything you experience. On your journey to a life of fulfillment and success this is the starting line.

…My Affirmation for Today…
Today is a fresh start I will welcome opportunities with positive thoughts and actions


@lizak. Thanks for the inspirong and emoji-free post!


Your welcome…

love this <3

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@lizak. You are the best!

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Thanks for the positive vibe

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@Jomama224, Well, let me tell you… Your 100% Welcome! for real💜. I was in a bad place this morning, all gone now😉.

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NO, place for the @devil in my @vacancies… in my brain…

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